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Thread: Been out of it for a while...

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Moderator

    Stealing planets with a cunning use of flags!
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Park Kraken's Avatar
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    May 2003

    Question Been out of it for a while...

    A Star Wars Galaxy section set to EU Canon and Force Awakens set to Disney Canon, or are they both canon, or a combination of both?

  2. #2
    Bit surprised no one has responded to you Park. I'm not a roleplayer but I'll have a crack:

    * Star Wars Galaxy (and associated group forums) - exist within the post-reset continuity the forum established way back in 2005. I'm not sure what year they're up to now (year 10?), I'm sure an active roleplayer can confirm.

    * The Force Awakens era - still exists within our post-reset continuity, but fast forwards the clock to be roughly equivalent to the time difference as seen in the films. As I understand it attempts to amalgamate some of the events from the new films into our own continuity here. I note that the forum has gone without a post for nearly a year so don't know how active it is or will be going forward.

    Hope that helps. Again hopefully an actualy roleplayer can respond and confirm or correct.

    "A Jedi must remain focused. Mastery of the Force requires that all unnecessary activities be purged from daily life."

  3. #3
    Best as I can say, if our post-reset canon hasn’t overridden something, then Disney canon would be upheld. Not sure if there’s been an actual ruling on that though

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Moderator

    Stealing planets with a cunning use of flags!
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer Park Kraken's Avatar
    Join Date
    May 2003
    Roger that. Guess I have some catching up to do, reading wise.


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