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Thread: Sloshy Summations

  1. #81
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Aware that her insides felt as substantial as a jelly filling in one of her desserts, Molly still manged to stave off the urge to squirm.

    She did curl her fingers around his though.

    "Careful, Vilen. I might get the impression that I'm something other than marginally useful and problematically pert."

  2. #82
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    “Surely, only a fool would believe that.”

    Vilen leaned in toward Molly, until their bodies were almost pressed together. A smile twitched at the edges of his lips for just a moment before his mouth met hers.

  3. #83
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    This was not at all what Molly would have planned for. If she'd had the teensiest inkling that she would be making out with Vilen on a billiard table, she'd have worn something.. prettier. She even had the something pretty at home, hanging up, waiting for her to put on later when she met him for dinner, but if it was to be cover-alls and boots, so be it.

    Everything about Molly was eager for a taste of him. Reaching up with her free hand, she curled it around the back of Vilen's neck, not being shy about it at this point. She had a suspicion they were still negotiating, maybe even now, so she felt obliged to be clear about what else she wanted.. but maybe they could work that out later.

    In the back of her mind, Molly tried to keep it together. Delivery, due at any moment. Mountains of work to be done. People to hire and train. But it was all shoved to the figurative back burner. Forgotten for now, as she chuckled in delight, kissing Vilen back.
    Last edited by Molly Black; Apr 24th, 2019 at 06:11:44 AM.

  4. #84
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    If there was a negotiation taking place, it was impossible to say who had the upper hand. Molly’s fingers dug into the back of Vilen’s neck, and he caught her lower lip between his teeth.

    There was a noise from the diner proper. Something or someone knocking, metal against metal. A delivery?

    It was Vilen who broke the kiss. He leant his forehead against Molly's for a moment, whilst his hand still pressed hers to the table top. Then, he stood up a little straighter, though his eyes were still fixed to hers.

    “The office. You wanted to show me something in there.”

  5. #85
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    They could have knocked for a while longer, Molly was in no rush.. Kissing Vilen was very telling of just how very fantastic the rest of it would also be, but yes.. somewhere in there she had been trying to make a clever point.

    "Right.." Scooting forward, Molly grudgingly dropped off the table. They could always come back later, maybe continue from just where they had left off.. There was still dinner to be considered, she remembered rather optimistically.

    The knocking was indeed the expected delivery. With a touch more bounce in her step than was necessary, she retraced their steps back toward the dining room, and then the kitchen. Answering the delivery, she gave the suppliers extremely precise directions, as well as instructions as to where and how to unload in her kitchen.. She was very exacting in what she expected, but it would be perfect.. And she'd have their asses if it wasn't.

    Returning to Vilen, she showed him into the office. Mu's office, Molly still rather thought of it as. For the moment, at least, it was going to have to be shared space. Molly slid into the desk chair, and from there brought up the surveillance feeds from around the property. Most of them were completely absent of activity. She quickly moved past the incident with the rodent and the broom like nothing at all interesting had happened.. But the gaming rooms of Bliss did show herself, and Vilen, as they moved through the space. The infochant looked very entertained with herself as she tinkered, rotating angles, enhancing and sharpening, and then finally.. she grinned.

    "Done." A moment later, she'd sent her work in a file. To Vilen.

    "A little souvenir. Maybe you can blackmail me with it later." It sounded like an invitation..

  6. #86
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Vilen lifted an eyebrow at the footage. Had this been her intention all along? The surveillance cameras had captured crisp video of the two of them at the billiard table, from multiple angles. That explained were the cameras were.

    “It doesn’t look especially incriminating,” the Chiss said, pulling his eyes away from the feed as he sat perched on the edge of Molly’s desk. “We’d have to do more than that for there to be any leverage to it.”

  7. #87
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "Yeah, I'm not sure incriminating is a good describing word for what that was.", she admitted, having also sent herself a copy.

    Legs crossed in the swivel chair, Molly swung side to side just a little, watching Vilen. "Well, I'm sure we can do better, when I don't have to answer the door every five minutes. Also, in my case I'm not sure who would care. But, I think my point was.. if all that's required is just a smidgen of truth, that much can be manipulated."

    "This is the old system, by the way.." She grinned. "Did I mention? I'm having it ripped out and upgraded."

    So knowing the locations of the cameras today, would be of no use when the Cloud 9 officially reopened.

  8. #88
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    “I think you did mention that, yes.”

    Vilen glanced down, smiling to himself. Now, both of them had a video that neither of them could do anything useful with, outside of keeping as a memento of an admittedly electrifying kiss. It had felt like she wanted to kiss him, hadn’t it? When her fingers curled around the back of his neck - but there was something about her expression now, while she watched him, that made him wonder whether she had manipulated him merely to prove a point. That she could? He had allowed it, though, hadn’t he? What was he doing?

    Vilen got up from the desk and walked around to the opposite side.

    “I’m… distracting you from your work.”
    Last edited by Sev'ilen'sabosen; May 5th, 2019 at 09:58:20 AM.

  9. #89
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    "You are." Molly confirmed, without sounding like she was complaining. He was distracting, but she liked it.

    She watched Vilen move away. Something about it felt like more than physical distance he was creating. Which did not mix well with her inclination to go lock the doors, and then show him the rest of Bliss, one spot at a time. She managed to refrain from outright pouting, but just barely. He was probably right, she had a lot to do, and less time to do it. Closing the surveillance feed stopped the sexy imagery from looping on her desk, and the whole office seemed let down about it.

    "You're coming back later..?" She glanced up from the desk, waiting on his answer..

  10. #90
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    A nod. “After sunset.”

    There were a few hours yet before the skies over Cloud City became stained pink. Enough time to think on and evaluate the circumstances he found himself in.

    “Thanks, for the souvenir. I’ll.. see myself out.”

  11. #91
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Well, that had gone flop quicker than one of her 'kids' overblown chewing gum bubbles.

    Molly waited until she was sure Vilen had left before throwing her arms up in the air, leaning back in the desk chair. Obviously she was being stupid. She'd had a better handle on the situation when she'd just assumed he didn't like her at all. Now, she had no idea what to think.

    Muttering, she got up to go and make sure her kitchen was as she had decreed. Everything seemed to be as she had requested, but even that did nothing for her mood. Picking up a wet towel, she bunched it in her hand and threw it with more force than she should have, thinking it would simply splash against the metal doors at the rear of the kitchen. Instead, the same door opened as if by fate, and the wet projectile went out it, sailing past the head of a deliveryman.

    Molly covered her mouth apologetically. "Sorry! So sorry.. Are you done? Should I sign something?"

    Finishing up, Molly realized she had limited time to get home, changed and then turn right around to return and cook dinner. The whole point of which had been to show him the Cloud 9. Well, now he'd seen it. She was still muttering to herself about it when she locked up to go.

  12. #92
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It was hours later when Vilen found himself back outside Cloud 9. The setting of the sun brought Port Town to life, as daylight was replaced with neon hues. The crowds were thicker, louder, and all the more diverse, as tourists from the upper levels ventured down into the levels of Cloud City that were infamous for everything, legal and otherwise, that they had to offer.

    Vilen had changed, exchanging his nondescript daytime attire for something sharper: a charcoal suit and collarless white shirt. He could have passed for a customer at one of the city’s higher end casinos, if the tailoring had been better. Regardless, the outfit spoke of enough money that his walk to Cloud 9 was repeatedly interrupted by people trying to sell him something to drink or smoke.

    When he found himself back outside Molly Black’s business, Vilen paused. He needed to focus, needed to remember why he’d approached Molly in the first place. Instead, all he could think about was that kiss. Swearing under his breath, he gave the door to the diner a testing push.

  13. #93
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Having been blessed with a healthy bit of sense, Molly had already done most of the work for the dinner. All that remained was to get back to the Cloud 9 and finish. After some serious recovery time. Having spent the day working, Molly felt a little gross. More so when she took a look in the mirror at her overalls, and messy pony tail. No damn wonder Vilen had walked out on her. She was probably lucky he hadn't run.

    After showering and asking herself repeatedly why she was even bothering, Molly was making her last looks in the same mirror before leaving. A completely different woman looked back at her. One in a new little black dress that she had bought just for the occasion. Checking the seams on the back of her stockings, Molly was satisfied she'd managed a small miracle, and also that Vilen absolutely did not deserve this much fuss.

    Back at the Cloud 9 in a short amount of time, Molly was shrouded in an oversized brand new chef's coat. She completed the meal, randomly watching the sky outside change colors through the kitchen window. He had said he was coming, if that was still true he'd be arriving any time. Music played while she worked, which was a definite must for her. No music, no Molly food, and she had done pretty good. Firaxan shark fillets, as requested. Seasoned with calarantrum root and seared. Fluffy rice with a Corellian spice that she liked, and diced up Bellassan peppers. As well as a Kibla green salad. She had not wasted her time with dessert..

    Hearing the door, Molly leaned her white-linen clad elbows in the kitchen window, peeking out. "Ahh, so you did come back."
    Last edited by Molly Black; May 6th, 2019 at 10:14:33 PM.

  14. #94
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    With the door closing behind him, the sounds of Port Town became muted. Instead, Vilen could hear the faint beat of music coming from within the diner itself.

    When Molly appeared in the kitchen window, Vilen arched an eyebrow. “You thought I wouldn’t? I’m.. wounded.”

    His expression, a smile that curved at one corner of his mouth, said he was anything but.

    “Is there anything I can help with?”

  15. #95
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    Molly really had no idea what to think about him one way or the other. She was beginning to suspect that she had been better off with her original casting of marginally useful, and Vilen as unlikable. At least she had known where she stood then.

    Forget the recording. Molly knew what she had felt. There had been something there.

    Her answering smile was guarded at best. "Maybe.."

    "Want to carry these?" She slid two covered plates into the window.

    They could have sat at any table. Everything was all shiny and new. Technically they would be the first people to sit anywhere, new furniture being part of the upgrades. She had already set them up at a table wisely close to the bar, which Molly had stocked herself earlier in the day. Turning off the kitchen lights since she was done, Molly came into the dining room shrugging out of the chef's coat. Hanging it up, she turned, walking to the table.

  16. #96
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    As Molly entered the dining room, Vilen looked up from the table where he’d deposited the two covered plates. For just a beat, he paused at the sight of her, watching her approach and finding himself hungry for more than just dinner. It had been a good idea to wear the suit. Now, he just had to keep on making the right choices for the rest of the evening.

    When Molly neared the table, Vilen drew out a chair for her.

    “What would you like?” he asked, with a slight tilt of his head toward the bar.

  17. #97
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    Molly mentally explained to herself, with fraying patience, that she was not at all interested in Vilen in a suit. She did not care how good he looked in it, or care to think about taking him out of it. She didn't. She did not. Did not care. Nope.

    Sliding into the seat he had pulled out for her, Molly pondered the bar and her choices. All of which she knew off the top of her head, having been the face behind the bar pouring them not so long ago. She even had two named after her, alcoholic and non-alcoholic versions which both happened to be as blue as Vilen when poured.

    "I think I'll stick to a Vishay water, but I wouldn't say no to a Jun-lime in it. There should be some chilled."

    So.. she was still drinking, but Molly could drink those all night and remain clear headed.

  18. #98
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    Behind the bar was a veritable treasure trove of bottles from all corners of the galaxy. Casting his eye about for the Vishay water, Vilen saw vintages and styles that he knew weren’t cheap. Like it’s owner, Cloud 9 had more to offer than one might assume on first glance.

    Taking a cue from his host, Vilen fetched a chilled bottle of water and two glasses for the table. If she was going to be sharp, then so was he. He paused at the bar only long enough to drop a slice of lime in each, before taking his seat opposite Molly.

    With a slight smile, he looked down at the two covered plates then back up at her.

    “Shall we?”

  19. #99
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    "It would be a shame if we didn't." Her reply came with the suggestive arching of one brow, and a smirk.

    "After you, I insist. I did make it for you after all."

    Cooking something for someone, and then having them enjoy it, was high upon the list of Molly's favorite things. She blew through a ton of her credits feeding a number of kids that worked for her, but it beat the alternative. Hungry kids weren't picky though. She wasn't trying to impress them. Vilen on the other hand..

    "I hope you like it.", she said, meaning it. Keeping her fingers just on the handle of her own domed plate, watching him.

  20. #100
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    The aroma that rose from beneath the cover as Vilen drew it away was incredible. She’d done just as he’d asked, and with obvious skill. When was the last time he’d eaten a meal that someone had put time and care into making? It had to be years, years of rations and fast food and dining out at the cheapest places he could find, and now this. Vilen’s mouth was watering already.

    “I’m impressed.”

    A mouthful of the crispy skin on the seared fillet and Vilen couldn’t fight the smile of appreciation.

    “It’s delicious. Thank you.”

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