"That is far enough!"

The same voice spoke, though now closer and without a crescendo of an echo to ride upon. On a ledge above, one pinprick or red light flashed. Then another. Then three more. A moment passed, and thirty red lasers could be seen alight, generated from gunsights on marksman slugthrowers. The ominous crimson spots didn't paint the Knight General, or any of his entourage. Rather, they illuminated the earthen ground two meters in front of them in a straight line. The line served as a warning.

Footsteps could now be heard, along with the sound of something light dragging the ground. In the shadowed corridor ahead, a single figure emerged. A female Selonian wearing a plain blue robe and a belt and matching headcrest of matte alloys emerged to greet the Imperials. Her inkwell eyes filled their small sockets to betray no sclera as she cast them with an alien, inscrutable expression. Her tapered, blunt muzzle and it's flanking array of whiskers likewise showed neither a smile or a frown or anything that might be so distinguished.

"My name is Matatek Kai Teless. I speak for the Queen of the Overden. You will remain in place until given permission to pass. I will speak with the Knight General."