His... tail...

It had to go... up... ?

There was a moment when he stood there, on his hind legs and grasping at the top bars of the cage. Blinking, he let out a huffed breath before slowly letting himself settle his bulk back downwards. But his tail, still underneath the door, gave a twitch. Shoulders hunching, he put a bit more effort into making the moving picture in his thoughts come true. The day-creature on two legs was doing this, somehow, and she was nice and made the tiniest noises. It was much better than some of the other gruff sounds he'd heard from others. Her eyes were also not mean, and she wasn't afraid of him. Maybe that was why he wanted to do the things that he was sure she was the one showing him.

The sound was small at first, a small creak, a tinny whine that grew.

And then the door began to shiver, a loud thing in an otherwise quiet place. Along its tracks the door moved, upwards until another sound... a tinkling of small parts coming out of place.