37 :: Galactic Empire :: Praetor (COMPNOR)

Currently on Coruscant

Character Background

  • Elias Akasha is a veteran of the Stormtrooper Corps, Imperial Security Bureau, and the Imperial Guard.
  • He has served as the head of Miranda Tarkin's security detail, both as Moff of the Doldur Sector, and as Empress.
  • Akasha was recently recruited by COMPNOR as an anti-sedition operative. He has been given the title of Praetor, which identifies him as an investigative officer with judicial authority: allowing him to try and sentence threats to the Empress and Empire without the need for due process or external input. He is one of a handful of such officers appointed by the Minister of the Interior.

Raw Material

  • Akasha's family, including a young sister, were killed in an act of terrorism by Rebel agents operating on his homeworld of Kuat. Serving as a Sergeant in the Stormtrooper Corps at the time, he immediately requested a transfer to the ISB. He sees hunting down Rebels as an obligation (bordering on passion), and while guarding the Empress was an immeasurable honour he is keen to return to what he sees as his purpose.
  • Though Akasha is certain that traitors need to be killed (for the greater good), he does not take their deaths lightly. Executing or assassinating traitors is much more up close and personal than killing as a Stormtrooper or a Guard ever was; the premeditation and the burden of being judge, jury, and executioner weighs on him, leaving him an odd mix of ruthlessly detached and haunted.

Plot Ideas

  • A visit to Corellia? I guess I'll need to help the Resistance up and running before that.
  • A visit to Cloud City? There are all manner of shady types there that might deserve to be scowled at (and possibly shot).
  • Clashes with the Imperial Knights? There's some potential overlap, and thus some potential friction, and that's always fun. Alternatively, perhaps there is a Knight or Cadet suspected of being disloyal, and the Knights seek (or are forced to accept) the help of an outside party to hunt them down?
  • Witch Hunts. Just because the Empire and Alliance are at peace, it doesn't mean there aren't people living on one side of the border who wish they lived on the other. Do you long to live on Bothawui? Do you suspect a coworker of feeding information to the Alliance? Have you seen your neighbour consorting with non-humans of Alliance origin in the dead of night? Call 0-800-WILLKILLTHEM now, free!

Existing Relationships

  • Miranda Tarkin - Former Moff turned Empress, who Elias spent several years charged with protecting.

Current Plots

  • None yet.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D