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Thread: Qayle Trevora - Intelligence Op

  1. #1
    Qayle Trevora

    Qayle Trevora - Intelligence Op

    Qayle Trevora
    Cipher X:: Human - Intelligence Agen - Imperial Police - The Galactic Empire :: Loner
    Currently in:

    Character Background

    • A bit of basic information about the character- preferably plot relevant.
    • Was born a programming genius and prodigy.
    • Age 10: Qayle successfully hacked her way through an educational programme. Accidentally.
    • Ate age 10: Qayle began training her slicing skills
    • Age 11 Qayle successfully hacked the network mainframe of Network Access on the Smugglers Moon.
    • Age 13: Qayle attempted to hack through an imperial media channel only to be arrested on “war crimes”
    • Age 17: Imperial Intelligence recruited a teenage Qayle into their cyber-command division with agent status.
    • Age 19:: Qayle was given the dual assignment of Intelligence Operative and Imperial Security Office: Division of Imperial Law Enforcement.
      Age 22: Qayle began educational training in Engineering, Technology, and Criminal Law.
    • Age 23: The IB had Qayle sent in for augmentation to help boost her skill sets.

    Raw Material

    • . Include secrets which have been hinted at.
    • Qayle has various hidden cybernetic Implants that help to augment her natural abilities.
    • Advanced Sensory Implant: An implant that enhances Qayles awareness and ability to process information at a much higher rate of speed.
    • Comlink Implant: a bioimplant that enables private long-range communication
    • Intelligence Implant: increases the recipients IQ and brain (neural network) capabilities greatly.
    • Health & Fitness Implant
    • The other implants Include: Hyperaccelerated nerve implant & Optical Implants.
    • Guilty Pleasures: Choco-PB Ice Cream. PB-Banana Smoothie. Anything Technological. Finds hacking/slicing to be very Euphoric.
    • -Alcohols such as Reactor Core
    • Natural or Health-lacking habits: Qayle is known to enjoy a certain (menthol) cig. She usually never eats out and whenever she does its never at a "fast food" joint. Qayle prefers health food over the junk that sometime remains more easily accessible.
    • Even though its technically a little morbid Qayle Enjoys watching old movies that depict the whole dungeon arena (death match) genre.
    • Qayle has an obsession with Technology and takes a heightened enjoyment to hacking networks. Qayle see's the galaxy as one gigantic digital network waiting to be completely unlocked through the talents of a slicer.

    Plot Ideas

    • Right now just wanna focus on getting her assignments from the Intelligence and Policing Community.
    • .
    • .
    • .

    Existing Relationships

    • Had a brief fling with a Dark Skinned Sith Apprentice as a teenager
    • Had a very brief relationship with a Rodian Smuggler at age 16
    • None currently taking place.
    • .
    • .
    • .
    • .

    Current Plots

    • . Briefly explain a few current plots or threads. These might spin off into new plots and threads.
    • .

    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Qayle Trevora; Oct 25th, 2016 at 04:33:14 AM.

  2. #2
    I'd suggest not starting Qayle's hacking career at age five. That's pushing far past the scope of believeability. It's okay to age her up a little and still have her doing some unlikely things as a pre-teen. I mean, Doogie Howser didn't start operating on people until he was ten or so.

    Maybe throw in a wrinkle here to make the character even more interesting. Someone with analytical skills budding that early might have been scooped by the Empire and been modified to become an AJ^6 Cyborg construct. That would be extremely interesting and I don't think anyone here has gone that route. It would definitely help Qayle double down on her techiness, but it would also - more importantly - introduce some complexity and conflict into the character. How does she adapt to the tech? How much of her is still her? There have only been, to my knowledge, two instances of these constructs in Star Wars canon, and it would be really cool to see that explored.

  3. #3
    Kera Blacc
    Nice idea.. Time to research Darth Vader on the wookiee. xD

  4. #4
    Quote Originally Posted by Kera Blacc View Post
    Nice idea.. Time to research Darth Vader on the wookiee. xD
    Uh, what? That has nothing to do with anything Charley just said, and he had some pretty badass ideas there.

  5. #5
    Kera Blacc
    It was a poor attempt at being jokeful.

  6. #6
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Oh, about.
    Gamer IDs

    Gamertag: W4BSY Steam ID: ApexLupine
    Fixed the font color.

  7. #7
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    I'm going to echo the sentiments of scaling up the age.

    At 14, Intel wouldn't really entrust anything to someone just coming out of puberty. They'd certainly watch, but nothing more. Education and training logically comes before any sort of serious recruitment in Esalis' world. So definitely shifting the age progressions of when things happen is a good idea.

    Also, Charley's ideas are worth pursuing in terms of a definite line into work with Intel.

    As far as 'raw material', what is Qayle like? Does she have a penchant for a certain kind of chip or drink? a favorite hologame, possibly? Does she have any guilty pleasures? What are her motivations for being a slicer other than she is 'good at it'? I'd like to know more about this character and what drives her. Stuff like that are what really brings to life the character and offers little tidbits to expound upon. Sure you don't have to list every little thing, but a few are always a good start and help to fire the imagination onward to a truly three dimensional character.

  8. #8
    Qayle Trevora
    So hows the current list of Implants?

  9. #9
    Quote Originally Posted by Qayle Trevora View Post
    So hows the current list of Implants?
    They still read like a list of "look what I can do!" instead of explaining why she has them, or how she actually uses them. There also seems to be no end to what she can do, now, with all of those implants, nor do there appear to be any drawbacks to having them. They read like stat buffs.

    If she was arrested for "war crimes," then one possibility is that she's not actually free at all. She's actually a prisoner who the Empire has given a cushier life in exchange for her skill set, and they can demand she do what they tell them. That could also explain how such implants were able to be afforded in the first place as I presume they would would otherwise be prohibitively expensive. This is not a kind and gentle empire, especially against those who wrong them. If she's going to have been arrested by them for hacking a major database, they realistically would have her work from prison until she'd proven she could be trusted for short jaunts outside. At least one of her implants would probably have a constant monitoring device on it, tracking where she is and what she is doing at all times, and may even be able to override her if she goes against what they want.

    Look at Charley's character Eluna Thals for some ideas on how a character can essentially be owned by their government for their skills, because it can bring out a lot of really neat stuff, and I could see that working well for Qayle on the Empire side of the coin.

  10. #10
    Kera Blacc
    Working on it slippy mcgoo. :P (<-Sarcasm)

  11. #11
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Intel won't recruit her before she is educated and trained. After that she would be given agent status.

    Also, is she police? or Intel? The only way she'd be linking both is if she was a liaison from one org to the other.

    As far as the implants, they seem to me to make her an OP super woman. What are the drawbacks associated with them.

  12. #12
    TheHolo.Net Poster
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    As a suggestion, she could have started in Intel, then a liaison was created between them. For example, my character started out in the Navy, but due to his experience and skills, and the needs of the Empire, was put in command of a Naval fleet with Intelligence duties, of course after going through the required education and training to be an Intelligence director.

    As for the implants, I ask the same question Esalis asked: What are the drawbacks associated with the implants? What you have described makes an incredibly over powered character with no weakness really. Puts things a little off balance.


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