Damien Kantrael
Twenty-Eight :: Human :: Sons or Coruscant :: Grand Inqusitor

Currently on: Oba Diah

Character Background:

  • Damien is an Imperial Academy graduate with top marks and an emphasis on piloting. He joined Imperial Intelligence straight out of the Academy and was invited to join the Inquisition.
  • He was entered into a new top secret Inquisition operation; Project Nightmare. His eyes were removed and replaced with cybernetic enhancements, along with a suite of standard physical upgrades.
  • When the peace treaty was struck Damien became bitter and upset. This was not the way for the Empire to act in a time of war. He broke away and formed the Sons of Coruscant, a terrorist group of so called patriots devoted to destroying the peace accord through any means necessary, defeat the Alliance, and topple the false Empress Tarkin.
  • An alliance of sorts was struck with equally bitter former Inquisitors Vel Aath and Tear. Along with a new base of operations on Oba Diah they began to plot their compaign against the Empire that betrayed them.

Raw Material:

  • Despite his relative youth, Damien has an incredible effect among his own men, who see him as a pinnacle of Imperial military might. His ability to manipulate his fellow soldiers is his greatest asset.
  • Damien wears a suit of Nightmare armor at all times and is rarely seen without it. It is an icon of his right to rule as well as an artifact of the true Empire.
  • He preaches a doctrine of human modification, zealotry, and victory at all costs. His soldiers are similarly cybernetically modified and armored. Turned into a poor man's Nightmare.
  • Damien prefers to lead from the back, sending wave after wave of his own troops to their deaths if necessary.
  • Many of his troops are conscripts given the choice of dying or joining his army. After indoctrination they are turned into soldiers or fed into his war machines.

Plot Ideas:

  • Any patriots and "true" Imperials are welcome to join Damien's regime. He is frequently involved in recruitment campaigns. He could come to your world next.
  • If you are looking for a fight the Sons of Coruscant are always available for a hearty skirmish. They attack both Imperials and Alliance targets.
  • Criminal types who need a little muscle can always try to persuade the Sons of Coruscant to aide them, but it will be at a heavy price.

Existing Relationships:

  • Veskasa Vel Aath - A former Inquisitor. Damien finds her quite annoying but is willing to put up with her horrid personality and attitude in order to attain an ally in his conflict.
  • Tear - The former Grand Inquisitor has become Damien's most recent ally. The extent of his intentions are not yet revealed. Damien harbors a great respect for Tear.

Current Plots:

  • Down into the dark well - Together with Vel Aath, Damien is meeting with the former Grand Inquisitor on the neutral plains of Tanaab.
  • The Enemy of My Enemy - Damien is meeting with the mysterious Vel Aath on Oba Diah to discuss their new alliance.
  • Blood of the Patriots - Fed up with the Peace Treaty, Damien Kantrael acts with his heart and abandons the Empire; seizing many assets and crewmen on the way out.
  • Broken Wings - Damien has been put in charge of escorting Inquisitor prisoners from Coruscant to the Maw. His vessel is attacked by the Rebels and the prisoners freed.
  • Metal Sky - His first mission as a member of Project: Nightmare. Flying into the depths of Coruscant's underlevels.
  • Recurring Nightmares of the Shattered Skies - Fresh out of the Academy Damien Kantrael, a skilled pilot, is given the opportunity to join the Inquisition and Project: Nightmare.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D