Red Murphy
29 :: Mandalore/ Galactic Empire/ Captain in the 3rd Squadron, 667th Regiment of Expeditionary Scouts:: Long Range Recon and Surveillance

Currently in: Serenno

Character Background

  • Joined the Junior Imperial Stormtrooper Academy on Mandalore after immediately graduating from Advance Schooling a year before the Battle of Yavin. Displayed sincere resiliency during training and was sorted out to Desert Trooper specialization. Stationed on the planet Tatooine within the next year as an enlisted Stormtrooper. Participated in a number of offensive maneuvers that mitigated terrorist threats in rural and urban areas, recognized for meritorious service.
  • After the Battle of Yavin, the Imperial Army scrambled for new officers. After two years as an enlisted Desert Trooper, Murphy was pulled into the Royal Academy and trained as a commissioned officer of the Stormtrooper Corps. 2LT Murphy reclassed to the Scout Troopers serving in the 501st Legion.
  • While attending the Royal Academy on Coruscant, Murphy met and married his wife.
  • Was present on the Moon of Endor when the Rebel Alliance's failed assault occurred. The Battle on Endor's Moon was an ugly fight that was ultimately deemed a failure by the Imperial Command when they finally re-established and the leadership of the 501st Legion was shuffled across the Corps. CPT Murphy was stationed to the outer lying planet of Serenno for the equivalent of glorified guard duty for a LRRS unit.
  • Recently moved from the Support Staff to take Command of a LRRS Company.

Raw Material

  • No major secrets or twisted plots, Red Murphy is just trying to do his duty for his fellow citizens and his family, who he knows are safe back on Coruscant.
  • Occassionally, Imperial Command has glanced Murphy's way for a mission for LRRS but with the current Cold War, there's not much need for anything beyond border guards at the moment.
  • Proxy wars are conducted in the neutral zones but Imperial Command can only send so many without it breaking standing cease fires and the truce with the Alliance.

Plot Ideas

  • Honestly, going to build up his previous experiences, almost like a journal kinda thing. If anyone is interested in joining, just let me know.

Existing Relationships

  • Ilgaia Murphy - Wife for eight years, lives on Mandalore with the majority of their extended family.
  • Garv and Mikken - Children of Red and Ilgaia.

Current Plots

  • Pending.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D