"Absolute power does not come for everyone, but they will be useful regardless. Kings are nothing without their pawns. What is important is to show them their limitations and allow them a role that fulfills their abilities. The old way was to poison their minds with delusions of grandeur that bred unhealthy competition. I cannot speak for you, but I do not wish to die at the hands of my acolytes. No. I think we can do better than that. There is a place for everyone in my world, Sianna. Not just those with power. Who will sweep the floors otherwise?"

He laughed a little on the inside at the gross simplification of his joke, but only the thinnest of smiles bubbled to the surface of his face before burning away like a leaf held to a flame. Turning back to the assembled darksiders he made a motion with his hand and the acolytes gathered their new apprentices and left, leaving the two dark lords alone in the throne room.

"This is but a beginning. There is much to do before we can regain our rightful place in the galaxy. It may not even happen in our lifetime. We must be prepared to be but gardeners, planting the crop that will one day be harvested by those who come after us. Come, let me show you the seeds I have planted."

More hallways branched off from the throne room than just the one that lead them here. Behind the thrones was two pathways not including the door to Frygt's chamber. Ezra lead the way through one of those paths and it came up short quickly at a door to yet another turbolift. This one was different. It was was industrial, with reinforced blast doors and a biometric interface. A hand and eye scan parted the door, and a verbal command of "Down." sent it sinking further into the earth.

"Are you familiar with Sith Alchemy, Sianna?"