Jun 6th, 2016, 04:51:26 PM
New Face on the Block
Seated comfortably in the highbacked, thickly padded seat, Akilah finished the last of the romance novel she had been entertaining herself with, finding out the inevitable and very predictable end wasn't a surprise at all. Grinning to herself as the pilot notified all the guests aboard the shuttle that they would be landing in Coronet City in five minutes, she sighed and returned the datapad to her slender, deep blue backpack. Traveling light had usually been her normal mode of traveling, keeping all she needed on her instead of worrying about all the other things that may or may not be needed. She had read up on the world and knew enough about the climate and whatever she forgot could be bought. Keeping herself adaptable to a situation had kept her alive this long and she had seen much during her time in the service of the empress and the Empire. Seeking justice for the citizens of their half of the galaxy would one day extend to the other half. Rebellion had never founded a lasting peace, the Republic and it's new face was proof of that.
"So," the governmental attache to her left began. "What brings you to Corellia?"
Blue eyes turned to the middle aged man, his creased forehead and the corners of his eyes telling quite the story before she even asked her first question. "Sightseeing."
He chuckled, turning toward his apparent companions across the narrow aisle. "Get this guys, Imperial comes here on holiday in a military shuttle." His gravely voice also telling of his long habit of smoking. "That's rich."
"That's the truth," she added, uncaring whether he believed it or not.
"Must've blown someone high on the list to get a free ride then," he smirked, eyes caressing her body deftly hidden beneath a white blouse and dark brown jacket, though open far enough.
"Jealous it wasn't you?"
"Damn straight," he smiled, blushing as he returned his attention to his pack, synching it up and then nestled it closer in between his knees. "What's your name?"
"Amelia," she lied, turning away and casting her azure gaze through the shuttle and out of the cockpit window, seeing the large, busy starport approaching. Not asking for his in return apparently gave him the right impression that she had no interest in carrying on that conversation any longer. Soon, the shuttle landed, servos whined as the main ramp lowered and allowed them to unbuckle themselves and stand. Filing out, she knew that her awaiting appointment would be just inside and she hated being late. Pushing on with purpose once outside on the tarmac, the warmth of the Corellian sun now heating the stained ground beneath her feet as Akilah strolled toward a side entrance, knowing most would be eyeing her from the main entrance that most of them filed through. Once inside, the quick scanning, blue green light confirmed her identity, offering the security station's officer all he needed to know about the arrival, letting her in. Continuing her trek down a short hallway, the straw haired agent reached the target door, knocking once and then opening it.
Stepping inside, she closed it behind her and came face to face with her new boss. "Good morning, sir."
Last edited by Akilah; Jun 7th, 2016 at 03:31:10 PM.
Jun 6th, 2016, 09:12:09 PM
Admiral Rez Ace wasn't used to personally greeting in-subordinates. After all, he was in a high position of power, and had very important matters to attend to. The tasks he had been assigned to do were relentlessly coming in, and he had little time to rest. However, he had personally asked for this Officer to work aboard his fleet, and felt is necessary to introduce himself, seeing how they would be working closely for quite sometime. He had arrived at the Starport just 5 minutes before his new officer arrived, and he stormed into the main entrance quite abruptly, escorted by two Stormtroopers, who were assigned on his fleet.
He walked along a long hallway until he reached the room where he would meet this new Intelligence Agent. Dismissing his escort, he walked in and closed the door behind him. An ornate desk was placed in front of him, and the room was well decorated. All the time Rez spent in blunt and dull Star Destroyers was quite boring and unentertaining, so the change of scenery was quite pleasant. He walked slowly behind the desk and seated himself in the chair placed behind it. Leaning back, he put his hands to his eyes and rubbed them slowly. Age was finally catching up to him, and 50 years was a lot to catch up to. There was no time to think about it anyways, with all the work Imperials were dealing with now days. There was a single knock on the door, and it opened in front of him.
Standing in front of him was a very beautiful woman, looking to be quite young for what her files suggest on her resume. Rez had assumed that for who she is, she probably gets hounded all the time, and while Rez was quite the 'playboy' back in his youth, he now thought that it would be very inappropriate to bring up anything on the subject.
"Welcome to Corellia Miss Akilah" Rez said with a small smile, "Please sit down. How was your trip here?"
Last edited by Rez Ace; Jun 6th, 2016 at 10:04:42 PM.
Jun 7th, 2016, 03:37:55 PM
Rounding the proffered seat, she set her pack on the floor to the right of the chair. "Well, thanks," she began, straightening in the chair, crossing left knee over right, hands clasped between her thighs as she took in the man before her. "Got caught up on several books that I had been neglecting. Mother'll be proud," she grinned. "If I may, what's the situation here on Corellia? I've only read the brief and seen the newsnet stories on the insurgency, so." Though most of the troubles that had sprung up with these terrorists had been watered down, she knew at least the where and when was correct, but to get to the meat of the situation you had to ask the right people. Or go out there yourself.
Jun 7th, 2016, 08:42:59 PM
Rez listened as the woman spoke. She, unlike most officers, seemed quite comfortable, even around him. He had nothing against it, in fact it is one of the reasons he asked for her. He liked confidence.
"Well, there isn't much to hide about the situation. The people of Corellia are upset about the treaty that our great Empire signed with the Alliance, and so naturally, they are resisting it. We have a large blockade fleet set above the planet to stop resistance ships from leaving, and the Imperial Knights are dealing with most of the trouble on the surface." Rez sighed deeply, "However I've been considering asking the local Moff if we could land Stormtroopers."
Corellia was a core planet for the Empire, and the people of the planet were very strong and large in number. Rez wanted to clean up the mess as quickly as possible, and the Imperial Knights seemed to be taking their time. He thought a few shuttles of Stormtroopers would solve the situation much faster. Rez leaned back in his chair, and with his hand to his chin, he studied his new officer closely.
"So, that is pretty much the main story. Are their any detailed questions you have for me about our little issue here?"
Last edited by Rez Ace; Jun 7th, 2016 at 09:24:58 PM.
Jun 8th, 2016, 03:12:47 PM
Listening to the brief with rapt attention, Akilah knew that this issue definitely had to be dealt with quickly and could understand the threat that a rebellious Corellia would pose. "With what little I know about the Corellians they're fiercely independent and naturally proud, so something like this is going to have to be handled carefully. Having Corellia with their ship building companies here and centuries of history with their navy, I wouldn't want them continuing to rebel against us." Blue eyes drifted to the polished surface of his desk in thought. "I'm also not sure having Stormtroopers marching through the streets would be the best idea either," Akilah's attention returned to him realizing how relaxed she had become in his presence.
"Perhaps as a last resort. I think personally, I'd find the ringleaders and make them disappear if they can't be re-educated. Once the head's cut off, typically the rebellion starts to fragment and die. We'll still have a few cells, but those will be easier to deal with. I'd also be employing a great propaganda campaign, have a high ranking diplomat meet with the Corellian hierarchy and offer them something, making sure the media got it all." Those were the first things that she had pondered on the long flight here, knowing she would be asked to help in some capacity once arriving. "Winning of hearts and minds," she shrugged, grinning. "Do that and the rebellion loses steam and support."
Jun 8th, 2016, 03:30:44 PM
Rez listened to her suggestions closely. Rez had studied very closely the command style of an old Officer of the empire, the great Grand Admiral Thrawn. He values the suggestions of his own officers and will sometimes use them if logical. Yes, he didn't want to land Stormtroopers, and it would be a last resort effort if they did, the fact that Corellians were so fiercely independent would be the reason they did.
"I like your suggestions, and perhaps we will use some of them. I don't want to land Stormtroopers either. However, it is by-the-book to use the Tarkin Doctrine approach for dealing with internal resistance. They are not above the Empire, and so they will have to conform to it, even if they have to be forced. But we will only do that if necessary I suppose."
Unlike most of the Empire, Rez wasn't that accustomed to using the Tarkin Doctrine. It was more of a last ditch effort to use for victory, but he would if he must. He liked to approach things a little more intelligently, and perhaps Akilah would be one to execute it perfectly. Rez's relaxed gaze looked upon the woman with interest.
"As for you, I've already arranged your first assignment. It will be dangerous, if you're up to the task at hand."
Last edited by Rez Ace; Jun 8th, 2016 at 03:43:56 PM.
Jun 8th, 2016, 06:01:54 PM
Liking that she could contribute in some capacity made her happy, though she understood his references to the Tarkin Doctrine all too well and knew that if worse came to worse, troopers in white would kick down every door that they had to to end this insurrection. His next statement also made her eager to get moving and though she had enjoyed this new assignment and getting to meet the one in charge, she had endured a long flight and being able to get things moving could only help them all move on to the next objective faster. But, first thing's first, she mused.
"Absolutely," she nodded. "What did you have in mind." Lowering her left leg, she straightened in the chair waiting for the briefing on the real reason she was here.
Jun 8th, 2016, 08:13:31 PM
Rez enjoyed that his new officer seemed eager to move on to her next task. But he didn't want to push things already. She had just arrived on Corellia and it was probably best that she became accustomed to her surrounding before anything. And it would probably be best if she rested up.
"Actually, I have something else in mind first. Perhaps I should take you to our head quarters, the infamous Intelligence Fleet itself. Your quarters will of course be on my flagship. It might be best if you rested up there first while you study some details of Corellia, such as the map of the planet. There is also an officer, Captain JJ Elrick, who you probably will need to become acquainted with as well, as he will be communicating your missions with you as much as I will be."
Rez knew it was important to keep officers in prime shape, so that they could perform to their best ability. And when your life is at possible risk, that performance could mean life or death.
"So, what do you say? Or would you rather get started immediately? I won't hold you back if you do."
Jun 9th, 2016, 03:12:50 PM
Nodding, she smirked, "No, you're right. It'd probably be best to get acquainted with those that I'll be working with and find out what else they've found out about this insurgency. Maybe be able to point me in a direction rather than beating over the same territory all over again." Grabbing her pack on the floor, she raised it to her lap, then stood. "I wasn't aware that I'd be working from your ship and if I may, do you have a more mundane vessel to re-enter this system with that won't stand out so much? Be good to arrive here with more of a solid alias intact rather than trying to disappear into the streets from the starport after half of Port Authority's looking at me." She had seen how reckless some could get, especially when they were overeager to succeed in a mission.
Jun 9th, 2016, 03:32:53 PM
Rez smiled and chucked slightly. "Of course. My fleet is the Intelligence hub of this area. All of my agents work from there. My flagship is a Venator-class Star Destroyer, a carrier-type ship. My hangar bays are filled with the types of ships your suggesting. Of course, we will be arriving at the fleet in my lambda-class shuttle, but we can get to it without anyone seeing you except my officers."
Rez stood up from his chair and checked the time. He showed her to the door and they walked down the hall together, Rez leading her. "So, while we are getting to the fleet, tell me about yourself. Where were you born?"
Jun 9th, 2016, 03:40:44 PM
Following him out, she allowed her mind to become more personal knowing that they were still within safe territory. "Actually, born on Bakura," she began, realizing he had probably read all this already before their meeting. Perhaps he just wished to hear more from her personally rather than a psychologist's perspective. "Raised in a military family. My father is an officer in the army back home and always kept a pretty strict house. Mom was also in the army, but retired once she had my older brother and instead got a job as a paralegal with a local firm."
As they walked toward the private access to another hangar, she knew that all these cameras were commanded by Intel instead of Corellian security, which was a plus. "We've always been loyal Imperial citizens, so joining Intelligence only seemed natural."
Last edited by Akilah; Jun 9th, 2016 at 05:49:38 PM.
Jun 9th, 2016, 04:07:31 PM
Rez listened to her speak her backstory. He had most of the information already, but becoming more personal with your officers was better in his opinion.
"Wow, sounds like a great family. I was actually born on Coruscant, just before the Clone Wars broke out. Spent most of my youth in schooling, and I actually worked at the Kuat Drive Yards for a while, and got to help design the Venator Destroyer. It was quite the experience."
They walked into the hangar and boarded Rez's personal shuttle. "Pilot, set course for the fleet. Land in the flagship's ventral hangar bay. Inform Captain Elrick of my arrival, and that I expect him there"
Rez sat and thought about Akilah's past. Her parents rose a question in his mind. "Who were your parents? Perhaps I know them."
Jun 9th, 2016, 05:56:22 PM
Following him to the shuttle, the private hangar brightly lit as the repulsor engines revved with the sight of their commander and his guest. Listening to his own story, she was amazed that he was being as open with her, but appreciated the trust. Climbing aboard, she soon claimed a seat near him, placing her backpack into the empty one between them. Blue eyes returned to him as she buckled in, the ramp now closing. "My father's name is Krystian Chal, mother's name is Megan." She waited to see if he had actually heard of or by some strange set of circumstances, met one or both. "He's a colonel and staff officer now to General Miles Tanard, Eighth Army."
She had grown proud of her family's long military history and recalled how her mother didn't wish her to leave, though she found out that none of them did until they found out that she wished to work for the Imperial government directly, though she never told them in what capacity.
Jun 10th, 2016, 06:10:01 PM
Rez thought on the two names presented to him, searching his memory. He did not recognize them, but that didn't surprise him. He worked in the Navy his whole life, and had barely had any sort of contact with any Imperial in the army, considering that Stormtroopers are part of the Navy.
"I don't think I've met them. But they sound like good people." Rez's family were of no importance to anyone, in fact, he was really the only one in his family to make something of himself. The pilot of the shuttle notified them that they would be arriving soon. Rez showed Akilah to the window of the shuttle.
"I think you will like the view of the fleet. It is quite impressive." The fleet came into sight, showing several ships of different sizes. There were massive Imperial-class Star Destroyers, Victory-classes, and many frigates. As the moved closer and closer to the center of the fleet, the flagship came into view. One of the last Ventor-class destroyers came into sight.
Jun 11th, 2016, 05:32:22 AM
Not surprised that he didn't recognize her parents, the empire was immense after all with billions in the service of the empress in one capacity or another. Rising, she followed him to the portal and took in the fleet that she had missed when coming in to the Corellian System. Imperial navy ships had always interested her as well as how effective they had become in various missions over the last few decades. As the shuttle soon passed over an Assault Frigate, she then turned her attention to the larger star destroyer, it's split design within it's center containing a multitude of gun batteries and hangars was a sight to see.
"It amazes me that anyone would wish to rebel against power like this," she mused aloud as the shuttle neared their destination.
Jun 11th, 2016, 12:35:58 PM
"I agree. But people will go quite far to get what they want"
The shuttle made it's way under the massive ship to gain access to the ventral hangar. The hangar was massive and bright, and several star fighters could be seen. So many Tie-class fighters and bombers were lined up as far as the eye could see, and several ships that were unrecognizable. The massive SPHA-T beam that Rez installed could be seen in the hangar entrance. As the shuttle went in to make its landing, several Stormtroopers came into sight, all lined up in front of the landing platform. A figure could be seen in the center of the isle, a figure Rez could make out to be Captain Elrick.
"Good, he got the message. I will show you to the bridge, and then your quarters, if that sounds good to you"
Jun 11th, 2016, 12:42:18 PM
Taking in the hangar and expected honor guard, she moved to her pack and shouldered it once again, turning and nodded to the commander. "Sure, sounds good." Waiting to follow, she moved toward the rampway as the servos whined in protest, lowering the ramp to the hangar floor. Behind him, she breathed in the air busy with exhaust fumes, busy with comm traffic as well as chatter from mechanics and other maintenance crew members, all keeping the Imperial machine moving. The anticipation was also thick with all that would have to be done to finally quell the insurrection on the world far below and Akilah was more than eager to get started, but knew that meeting the team of analysts and comm operators would need to see the new face they would be supporting in the near future.
Reaching the hangar floor, she slowed as Rez led toward the awaiting officer, his sharp salute and uniform typical of Imperial military.
Jun 12th, 2016, 06:02:17 PM
Rez stormed out of the shuttle and walked along the line of Troopers, just in front of Akilah. He viewed and inspected the current state of things as they walked. Everything, as usual, seemed to be running efficiently. They neared the awaiting officer and he broke his salute as Rez offered a hand, and began speaking.
"Hey JJ. How are you? I assume the fleet's part orders I asked for were taken care of?" Captain Elrick took Admiral Ace's hand to shake. "I'm doing pretty good Rez. And yes, all the parts arrived and I've installed them for you. The upgrades for the SPHA-T beam have been installed, and the power converters that go to it have also been installed. You can now convert as much of the ship's power to the beam as you want. And just so you know its capabilities, at full power, it has enough strength to shred through a Destroyer's hull, while it has shields up. The back lash is pretty large though, and the Imperator would be out of commission for a while to restore power."
Rez smiled as he let go of JJ's hand as he looked off in the distance at the massive Self Propelled Artillery. Rez appreciated the fact that he could be so casual with one of his officers, one he had been friends with since they were children, and that he could rely on him to get jobs done. "Good, good" Rez motioned toward Akilah "This is our new Intel Agent. Akilah, meet Captain JJ Elrick, my unofficial second-in-command. JJ will be just as involved in your missions as I will be. He spends a lot of time aboard the flagship making sure everything is running smoothly when I'm away, but he Captains an Imperial II-Class Destroyer called the Calibrator."
JJ held out his hand to greet Akilah, "How do you do, Agent Akilah?"
Jun 13th, 2016, 03:34:43 PM
Appreciating the armored stormtroopers as they walked past, she was then taken aback at how informal their meeting became, but kept her opinion's on that to herself. Listening to the capabilities of the new weapon seemed to be a one shot, last ditch effort if the vessel was somehow in trouble. She couldn't see anything like that being used in the middle of a large engagement, especially if the ship firing it would be out of commission for an extended period. A sitting bantha to be sure. One fat target that an enemy couldn't pass up taking out of the action permanently.
Stepping up as she was introduced, Akilah extended her hand in return, shaking the commander's. "Good, thank you," she replied, then retreated a step. "Looking forward to helping end this trouble here in Corellia, but would love to meet those I'll be working with while I'm on the ground, before I leave."
Jun 13th, 2016, 03:45:59 PM
JJ smiled at her last comment. He appreciated the fact that Rez was searching extensively for capable Officers to work with them. It gave him a feeling of confidence in his admiral. He noticed her look of discomfort and step back.
"I'm glad to hear that. Sorry for our informality, that's just how Rez and I speak with each other most of the time. No need to feel uncomfortable."
Rez turned back to Akilah and gestured her forward to the doors at the end of the hangar. "Well, should we head to the bridge now? Sorry for our little conversation just now. I've just been making some extensive modifications to the Imperator. And just so you know, on normal circumstances, a regular Venator wouldn't stand a chance against modern day ships. But I've modified the Imperator enough that it would win an engagement with ease."
Rez prided his work he had done on his ship. He had helped design the Venator and knew everything about it, including its weaknesses to other ships. He did his best to modify it to work at maximum performance, and the new technology that had become available made it that much easier to do so.
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