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Thread: Orianna Kiljaanii - Codename: Abaddon

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    Bounty Orianna Kiljaanii - Codename: Abaddon

    Twenty-Four :: Cizerack :: Free Agent :: Non-Guild Bounty Hunter

    Currently: Nomadic

    Character Background:
    I thank you for all the lives you've led. I thank you for every word you said. I thank you for walking away...

    • Orianna is the second daughter of Carshoulis Cluster fashion mogul Vaarranaa Kiljaanii. She had an older sister, Tiaanna, who died in a speeder accident. Vaarranaa would have had more children but after the first two she found herself unable to produce more.
    • From a very young age Tiaanna and Orianna were raised with the expectation that they would work for their mother, and eventually take over for her. Tiaanna very reluctantly fell into what she felt was her family duty. Their mother also pressured them to produce grand children to carry on the family name. Ultimately Orianna had no intention to have children and Tiaanna suffered from the same sterility that affected her mother. Tiaanna grew very depressed and shortly afterwards died in a freak speeder accident.
    • Orianna grew very rebellious against her mother and did everything she could to separate herself from the lifestyle her mother wanted her to conform to. She took up bounty hunting as a joke on her mother but in the end she quiet enjoyed it and ended up cutting ties from her family in order to pursue the venture full time.
    • After leaving the Cluster Orianna had a hard time accepting the reality that women were not as dominant a force as they were in the Cluster. She found it difficult to get anyone to take her seriously so she adopted a persona of a heavily armored, heavily armed male bounty hunter named Abaddon that she uses exclusively when working. Eventually she would come to use Abaddon for most of her life, preferring the fantastic and fake persona to her own. Abaddon became everything she wished she was; loud, confident, and super cool. Orianna was not very good at bounty hunting. She had no background that assisted her in the venture. Instead she relied almost entirely on her equipment to carry her through her hunts. Top of the line armor and weapons did a lot to fill in for the skills she lacked. Whenever she credits ran out she could usually pretend to run back to mommy, who was desperate to have a heir, and suck a bunch of credits out of her before gallivanting back into the stars to hunt again.

    Raw Material:
    I thank you for the promises you broke. For always watching, watching while I choke. I thank you for teaching me...

    • Orianna is a lesbian and has been treated very harshly by her family, especially her mother, over it. It does not line up with traditional Cizerack values and her mothers own homophobic tendencies tend to create explosive spats between them. She hates her mother with a fiery passion, and as an extension hates her people, her culture, and almost anything that has any connection to her past life. She wants nothing to do with them, and only ever speaks to her mother when she wants to refill her wallet.
    • Her mother, on the other hand, is convinced that Orianna is being difficult and should put her sexuality away and get married, have children, and carry on the family name. When she gets particularly concerned she hires private investigators and bounty hunters to track down and bring Orianna back to the Cluster.
    • While she has no proof, Orianna is deeply convinced that her sister's death was a suicide.
    • Abaddon has achieved a reputation for high success in his hunts, but also high collateral damage and making a mess of himself and his targets. He also has a reputation for his outrageous tenacity; his ability to take incredible punishment and keep going.
    • Orianna has sustained many injuries through the course of her adventures. She has been shot and stabbed many times, has lost most of one ear, and the entirety of her tail.
    • She flies The Nemesis of Reason, a Firespray-31

    Plot Ideas:
    I'm stronger than I ever knew. I'm strong because of you...

    • Abaddon is actively involved in non-guild bounty hunting.
    • He also moonlights as a mercenary to cover operation costs. He often finds work with nefarious corporations, most notably Sheegoth Technologies.
    • If you're a sweet honey Abaddon wants those digits.

    Existing Relationships:
    I hit back a little louder. Fuck you a little harder. My roots, my roots run deep into the hollow...

    • Fook - Hired by her mother to take her in. Fook would go on to impart some harsh critique of her behavior and ultimately send to her on a new path to better herself.
    • Tamara Beck - Hot momma with the bedonkadonk. Ori's current squeeze
    • Rathalesh Sheegoth - Frequent employer

    Current Plots:
    I thank you for never facing me. Swimming in the mud, never coming clean. I thank you for nothing in between...

    • Hunter Hunted - Fellow Bounty Hunter Fook is on Abaddon's trail, bringing him in for a private client.

    Lyrics by In This Moment "Roots"
    Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D
    Last edited by Codename: Abaddon; Oct 18th, 2019 at 12:14:54 PM.


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