It was a difficult skill that had taken Ceto quite some time to learn: modulating his voice and volume so that Mara's honed ears would pick it up, but so that their child would not. At first it had been about not disturbing her as she slept; but as she'd grown older, it had been more to do with being able to talk about her without anything being caught by her ears. This was how it always went: Ceto dredged up an insult, a cutting word to forestall Mara before her animal instincts lured her into a shouting match. Then they would step away, take a breath, and discuss things so that Ruby couldn't hear. Unhealthy perhaps, but effective; and about the only way a mere human could hope to hold his own in situations like this.

"If we send her home," he said softly, advancing a few paces to stand just outside of arm's reach from Mara, not even trying to catch her gaze, "She'll just wait until she thinks we aren't watching, and she'll turn around and sneak back."

He let out a small sigh, a tremble of worry adding a slight shudder to the breath. He wasn't foolish, and he certainly wasn't cavalier with his daughter's life. He was the sensible one, believe it or not. The reckless choice was supposed to be Mara's contribution; he was the mediator, the Moff, the diplomat, smoothing everything over. Making everyone happy all of the time was an impossibility, but at least he could make everyone equally unhappy; at least he could make it somewhat fair.

"If she's with us, we'll at least be able to keep an eye on her. If the First Order is here -"

His voice trailed off; his eyes finally glanced in Mara's direction, giving her a glimpse of the concern that played out behind them. Why would the First Order be here, except for him; for them? Some subversive attack against the traitor Moff who had betrayed the Empire to the cause of peace? Some intrusion into his exile, to repeat the harm that been inflicted already?

His vision strayed for a split second towards Ruby's hiding place, before finding his wife again.

"We were not there to stop it the last time. I do not wish to make that mistake again."