October is upon us, which means all of the cool shows have either started, returned, or are going to do so pretty freaking soon - so yay for that!

What's everyone watching (or looking forward to watching) this time around?

Blindspot has done a pretty good job of hooking me in. I wasn't sure about the premise when I first heard about it, but Jaimie Alexander is utterly amazeballs. She goes from sad and vulnerable (those sad pretty eyes ) to Jason Bourne levels of badass like the flick of a switch. It seems to flirt with being a bit police procedural and a bit action/thriller, but it doesn't get too carried away with it, which for me is a really nice balance; reminds me of 24 back in it's heyday, where you gave a crap what was going on but it didn't tax your brain too terribly bad. Also, Ashley Johnson (who is part of the Critical Role livestream that I'm addicted to) is the worlds most adorable scientist. Such cute. So sass.

Gotham has really changed for Season 2. They've taken Barbara Kean (one of the most annoying/frustrating parts of Season 1) and made her awesome, and they seem to have got rid of a lot of the stuff that didn't work so well for Season 1. The proto-Joker kid, Jerome, is much more fun than I expected - there are moments where he starts channelling Mark Hamill's Joker (especially when he gets all showmanny), which I am definitely a fan of. It's still not good by any stretch of the imagination, but it's transformed into movie theatre nachos - you know they're bad, and part of you regrets having it, but it feels so good and the ridiculous smothering of cheese is delicious.

Agents of SHIELD has upped it's game yet again. They really seem to have nailed down what makes the characters work, and there are some great interactions, dynamics, and development going on. Skye (sorry, Daisy) has turned into a really solid character: she's cool without trying too hard. Also, she called Coulson "Phil", and for some reason that made me really happy. They also seem to have got a handle on the "don't try to do too much at once" thing - they have a lot of characters, but they are taking their time and not introducing everyone all at once: Simmons wasn't addressed until the post-credits scene, and Ward and May didn't feature in the episode at all. And speaking of Simmons, Holy shit what the fuck is going on?! I wonder if the "Death" thing on the scroll has anything to do with Thanos and his "To challenge you is to court Death" thing, or maybe something to do with the Asgardian version of hell? Would totally buy a "Portal to Niflheim" explanation for that pillar.

The Muppets is a little disappointing so far. I get what they're trying to do, and there are parts of it that make me chuckle (I'm also a big fan of Kermit's taste in celebrity crushes), but it feels like it's trying to be a bit too 30 Rock in it's style of comedy, celebrity cameos, etc... and it just isn't quite capturing the magic just yet. And by magic... I mean the distinct lack of Jack Donaghy and Liz Lemon.