Thada Adel
31 :: Quarren :: Alliance of Free Planets :: Senator of Dac

Currently in: Shuttling between Bothawui and Dac

Character Background

  • Is the Daughter of Jor Adel, one of the most wealthiest mineral barons in the depths of Dac. The Adels are one of the oldest and wealthiest families on the planet.
  • Became an activist for the integration of Quarren with the Mon Calamari, and played a major role in the current peace between the two often rival species.
  • She became the spokeswoman, and later Senator, of her people at a very young age compared to most politicians. Her opponents often try to use her age against her, but her accolades speak for themselves.

Raw Material

  • She was ostracized by her family during her youth for her "rebellious" nature; breaking away from Quarren norms by integrating with Mon Calamari and encouraging integration between the species. She has nothing to do with her family since.
  • She is rarely found in the political arena without her partner and Mon Calamari Senator Tukphen. That way it cannot appear that the Quarren are trying to push agendas of their own or that the Mon Calamari are forgetting their brethren in the deep.
  • Thada still campaigns on Dac for better relations between the Quarren and Mon Calamari, improving working and living conditions for the Quarren at the core of the planet, and transplanting Quarren into the rest of Alliance Space to foster relations with other planets.
  • Her political stance is Liberalism leaning toward Socialist Liberalism.

Plot Ideas

  • Anything political related, both inside the senate or outside.
  • Civil disputes in Mon Calamari Space
  • Whatever, really.

Existing Relationships

  • Tukphen: Mon Calamari Senator and Thada's political partner. She thinks of him as a wise old coot and a mentor of sorts.

Current Plots

  • There was at one time a plot to negotiate with Crotalus Viridis for something or other.

Credit for the basic template goes to Dun of RPG-D