== OSSUS ==

The Vigor sat down gently on its landing struts at one of the landing zone that had been assigned to the Jedi Temple. By the lack of starships sitting out there, Aura surmised that either they moved the ships after landing, if they were small enough, or that most Jedi’s didn’t have their own ship.

Silently, she went through her shut down sequence as Fiver, her astromech droid, plugged into his typical spot.

“No Fiver, these are friends. You will be coming with me.”

Fiver’s head spun around and he splat out a reply. Though Aura didn’t speak droid, his meaning was clear to her. Because of the life they had lived up until now, secrecy was as important and common to their live as clothes were to her. As a result, Fiver really didn’t trust anyone.

“It will be okay, you’ll see.”

A message rolled across Aura’s screen in garbled messaging and then changed so she could see it.

I have a bad feeling about this

Aura smiled a bit. “You’ll see. I bet they even have a nice R7 unit that I can trade you in for.”

The sharp retort from Fiver made Aura laugh and it felt good. “Come on, let’s go meet our newest family”, Aura said as she headed for the ramp.

Family, she thought.

Adan and her clan hadn’t heard from her since she went into hiding. At first it was for her safety as well as theirs. But now, with the galaxy at “PEACE”, why wasn’t she in contact with them. It was as if something in the Force was telling her now wasn’t the right time.

Soon, though, she thought. Very soon

Making her way down the ramp, she could feel the Force all around her. For once, she wasn’t the only one with her abilities. In fact, she might be very normal here. She pulled the hood down off her head, exposing her hair and vestigial horns of her species. Taking a deep breath, she took in the dry arid air. It reminded of a little of home planet, Iridonia… which in turn made her think of her family.

“Let’s go.”

Aura and Fiver made their way towards the Great Temple. She was hoping to meet someone who could help her along the way. Instinctively, she patted her blaster and her lightsaber, as she had over 100 times on new planets and in new situations. Now… it was just habit.

Hopefully now, they wouldn’t have to use them.

[tag anyone who wants to meet me – I’m nice and I don’t bite, but Fiver is packing some heat!]