Master Vol Syad - she'd never heard of such a Jedi, but if the man had been in stasis for four thousand years then that wasn't exactly surprising. The Jedi temple had been located on Dantooine during that time period, De'Ville knew that from her training as a padawan herself and many exhausting history lessons when she had been a child. If this was an act, it was an extremely good one. However, she sensed no duplicity from the man. What he felt he seemed to feel completely, and wore his emotion on his sleeve. Right now that emotion was peace. Hours earlier it had been fury.

Keeping him at peace was what she wanted, but since she'd been introduced to him as Manda'lor, something that he hated, it was going to be an uphill battle. "My youngling clan often studied outside, in the gardens. Closer to nature, Master Frr'nn would say." Lilaena smiled a bit at the memory.