After thousands of years, the ruined metropoles of ancient Ossus were nearly invisible. They were hidden by thick forests, whose hungry ivy and tree roots broke up the past as completely and without comprehension or mercy for the lost generations that had come to scour them. those few towers and buildings that remained standing looked more like trees themselves than anything built by hands.

"This is what thou hast asked of me," the Ysanna guide said, standing with a small reptilian creature wearing a thin shirt and light jacket of dark green; it leaned on a cane and with the expedition looked at the arched gate, half-crumbled and connected to nothing and seeming to to be just open to more forest. "And I hath done it."

"I am thankful," the reptilian creature answered. His species was called Gossam, and he was its monarch. His name was Tell Cho, and he had negotiated passage and guides from the tribe that dominated the area around the ruins, which were kept uninhabited by the Ysanna for the purpose of allowing the Shamans to complete their rites and commune with the ancient ghosts which they held still lived within. He turned to another Gossam, who was holding a thick, bulky device in his hands. The Gossam chirped, and Cho nodded, turning back to the Jedi and Alliance personnel that had accompanied this archaeological survey expedition the Gossam were making. Another two set up an odd looking stand on two wheels, with a pair of handles on the top. One Gossam stood on the machine while the other pulled the handles, opening a small chamber where a thin plast shell was inserted. The chamber was closed, and both Gossam stood on the machine, which jumped as a loud crack emanated from it. The Gossam with the device looked up at Cho and began speaking to him.

"There are numerous areas around of mostly metals and stone, as well as large hollow spaces below us," he informed them. " Most of the below ground formations are far too regular to be naturally occurring. This is the city the records retrieved from the library indicated."