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Thread: Improving the Forums

  1. #41
    I'll try to expand on this more later. But I think that we seriously need a large overhaul, not just tacking on one or two extra features.

    Adding a chat room will do little, if anything, to increase activity and will likely be forgotten a few weeks after its inception. We need to have something at draw new people in and keep them coming back.

  2. #42
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    I think we should consider having RP storyline arcs that are a year in length.

    That is to say, that at the end of every year, we reset. There's a start, and a definite conclusion.

    Each of us can RP up to five characters per year arc, and if you want, you can repeat characters in the next story arc.

    That way, we have a very high probability of keeping things fresh, and we can also do things we perhaps wouldn't otherwise do, such as have our characters die during a story arc, and such.

  3. #43
    This is definitely something that I think a lot of people would enjoy. I for one am for the story arcs.

  4. #44
    Originally posted by Anbira Hicchoru
    I think we should consider having RP storyline arcs that are a year in length.

    That is to say, that at the end of every year, we reset. There's a start, and a definite conclusion.

    Each of us can RP up to five characters per year arc, and if you want, you can repeat characters in the next story arc.

    That way, we have a very high probability of keeping things fresh, and we can also do things we perhaps wouldn't otherwise do, such as have our characters die during a story arc, and such.
    I would seriously have a renewed interest in RPing if this were to happen. It could seriously alter the RP dynamics.

  5. #45
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    I've always wanted the freedom to "off" some of my characters, but its always been an issue of outside pressure keeping me tied in. Sometimes, it just services the story better.

    The best parallel I can think of are Japanese TV shows, which are essentially an entire story in one season only. That isn't necessarily the end. Perhaps there are parallels that run here and there. Look at how many shows in the 80's and 90's that feature a particular Hattori Hanzo fellow

    Plus, I think with a definite start and stop phase, we can cut to the chase with a lot of our stories, and really make things work. People really get their juices flowing when they're working a deadline.

  6. #46
    Gav Mortis
    Originally posted by Shawn
    I would seriously have a renewed interest in RPing if this were to happen. It could seriously alter the RP dynamics.
    Quoted for emphasis. I think the yearly story arc reset is one of the best ideas for roleplaying yet.

  7. #47
    SW-Fans.Net Admin

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    Mmmmmmm YES.
    Originally posted by Shawn
    I would seriously have a renewed interest in RPing if this were to happen. It could seriously alter the RP dynamics.
    This would be really helpful for new people, too. There would be a clean slate to start with, and they wouldn't have so much backstory to worry about.

  8. #48
    Wait, I might be the only one, but I'm not following what Anbira said. Are you saying that we have to start the character completely ovr every year? Or just that they have to make a story about themselves? Or am I completely off?

  9. #49
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    It is an option to do so, or you can essentially make the character so that he's roughly the same guy for every session we do.

    Consider each yearly session to be a complete, stand-alone movie that doesn't tie into anything else.

  10. #50
    So its a do what you want thing? So if you die in these stories it doesn't count outside? Ok, that sounds cool. I'd dig doing something like that.

  11. #51
    The Cartographer
    No, its RP-wide. If you die, then your character is dead for the remainder of that year.

  12. #52
    Right, but in the end, if you still wanted to do other things with him later, that you could in the next year and so forth.....right?

  13. #53
    Lion El' Jonson
    Story arcs sound like a spectacular idea. I can only hope that this place's legendary lethargy doesn't get in the way.

  14. #54
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Very interesting idea We could start each year with a brand new theme, or threat to the galaxy. Would be cool.

  15. #55
    I just have two things to ask about this idea.

    1 - Would we have to rp every little detail, a la the Empire Take-over? That would waste a lot of time IMO, when we could just have one thread that's like a story that sets everything up. (Yeah, common sense, but mneh)

    2 - Who would decide what each years' storyline would be? Maybe a few people with ideas could post them and we have a vote? I don't want people to complain about the older rpers having all of their ideas played out without having others input (mostly because I don't want to listen to them whine )

  16. #56
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Oh, about.
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    As for the first question Dae raised, what if we had something of a scrawl opening as a heading on the Roleplaying pages? Like the opening scrawls in the SW movies that set the stage as it were? They could describe (in the prerequisite three short paragraphs) what is happening in general, which in turn can let us fill in the details for that year?

    The voting for the setting I like. Maybe a month before the reset, a thread could be started calling for the next year's setting ideas which would be active for three or so weeks. The last week another thread can be started which lists the ideas and people can vote for the ones they like.

  17. #57
    TheHolo.Net Poster

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    My thoughts are somewhat difficult to articulate so bear with me.

    I am rather aprehensive about this rest idea. Exciting though it is, I cannot help feeling it would be detrimental. The gradual, measured development of a character is part of the fun of this Fans for me. On top of which it would squash the creative freedom allowed by the present system- at present we can do what we like when we like (within reason) having the whole rp galaxy governed by a mega-story arc would mean we couldn't.

    Now if it were a separate RP forum governed by an arc and time limit it would be an entirely different matter. Then we could have the existing galaxy trundling along as is and a parrallel arced galaxy in which we can do the exciting movie type stuff.

  18. #58
    Rhea Kaylen
    Originally posted by Tiberius Anar
    I am rather aprehensive about this rest idea. Exciting though it is, I cannot help feeling it would be detrimental...

    Now if it were a separate RP forum governed by an arc and time limit it would be an entirely different matter. Then we could have the existing galaxy trundling along as is and a parrallel arced galaxy in which we can do the exciting movie type stuff.
    Personaly, I'm going to have to ditto this. I kind of like the idea of an all-governing year-long story arc, not least because it would force us proscrastinators to keep moving along, because we have a definite time limit. This would also likely get all the writers to associate more w/ each other, whereas now it's a bit difficult, since not everyone's timelines are synchronized, among other obstacles.

    However, I'm a little afraid this movie format could be too limiting. So, while a separate forum following the year-arc would definitely be fun, and a good idea, I don't know if totally aborting the current setup would be the best choice. All my opinion, of course, but I can definitely say that if the entire RP section of this site were to change over to a single story arc, it's unlikely I'd do much here anymore.

    But then, that would probably not be true of anyone--or, at least, certainly not everyone--else, so of course the majority will rule on this one.

  19. #59
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    I don't think the premise of the idea is that we'd all have to be following one story, but rather that we'd all be in a single universe. You aren't going to have any set role to play. The theme would simply set the beginning scenario for the year. For example, one theme could be "the empire have risen to power, the rebellion has reformed"... and then you go on from there, however you like. At least the way I understand it is that these scenarios will be very broad, with a starting point but with no end goal, no definite conclusion that we have to reach. More than anything they'd be there to put a little variety into the board, which has existed on the same backstory for 5/6 years now.

  20. #60
    Rhea Kaylen
    Okay, that makes a bit more sense, then. Thanks!

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