Jared ducked under a swipe, countered with a gut-shot and finished with a saber-swipe, only to enage another beast. Several bodies lay in various states of dismemberment and death throws around him already, and as far as Jared was concerned - he wasn't through yet. A force blast cleared out a few standing corpses, and he started back to work.

One wookee assaulted Jared with the but of his bowcaster, knocking away the deadly saber-cuff and brining in the butt to crush Jared's nose. Jared countered by catching the rifle's trigger with his free hand and pulling it - a green blaster bolt arced out into the sky - and wrestled with the stronger beast. It wasn't too much after that he caught the rifle with his weapon arm and shoved it under the beast's chin. He pulled the trigger and let the weapon loose as the headless beast collasped to the side.