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Thread: State of the Union Address TONIGHT

  1. #1
    imported_Terran Starek

    State of the Union Address TONIGHT

    I would encourage all to watch Dubbya (as his buddies in Texas prefer to call him) give his address tonight which ABC, NBS, and CBS plan to air from 8-10pm CT (Taylor, correct me on this if it is wrong). I strongly urge my fellow Americans to watch it. Of course, I don't discourage others from different nation-states.

    I was reading the Kansas City Star today and they printed a small blurb of what Bush is going to speak about:

    "Iraq: An argument that time will not bring disarmament, and an explanation on why an attack on Saddam Hussein's regime should happen soon.

    The Economy: Another round of tax cuts, plus a quicker phase-in of tax reductions that have already been approved.

    Health Care: A Medicare proposal would offer prescription-drug coverage to senior citizens if they joing some kind of managed-care program."

    Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green Party, Libertarian, or even a Conservative-Libertarian (you know who ) it's definitely worthwhile to see what our fearless leader has to say. I'm anxious.

  2. #2
    Aejin Rahn
    I probably will, with parents and all.

  3. #3
    imported_Terran Starek
    Hey--politics in action is a family event, too!

  4. #4

    Re: State of the Union Address TONIGHT

    Originally posted by Terran Starek
    Whether you are a Republican, Democrat, Independent, Green Party, Libertarian, or even a Conservative-Libertarian (you know who )
    yes yes...I know who the Conservative-Libertarian is.'s NBC

    ANd the cable networks (CNN, MSNBC, and FOX News) will probably have extended coverage afterwards.

  5. #5
    imported_Terran Starek
    Thanks for the correction, Mr. Millard.

    The extensive post-analysis should be pretty good, as well.

  6. #6
    would encourage all to watch Dubbya (as his buddies in Texas prefer to call him)
    Most of the UK call him that too, but with one b

  7. #7
    Jackie Dennegin
    it's definitely worthwhile to see what our fearless leader has to say.

  8. #8
    Fearless Leader? Is he going to attack a Squirrel and a Moose?

  9. #9
    imported_Jackson Mcgraves
    I'll more then Likely watch it but i might miss the first 30 minutes which could be the whole speach. Dam web design class.

  10. #10
    imported_Terran Starek
    I hold a great ammount of respect for my President.


    Fearless is up to interpretation!!

  11. #11
    Jackie Dennegin
    Fearless Leader? Is he going to attack a Squirrel and a Moose?
    Now that takes a real man!

  12. #12
    Leeloo Mina
    Fearless Leader? Is he going to attack a Squirrel and a Moose?
    If they show THAT on TV, I'll be watching

    Otherwise, I'll probaly just see whatever they put on FOX news about it.

  13. #13
    imported_Grev Drasen
    I know it sounds bad, as I'm an American, but I just can't get interested in all of these politics that are currently going on. We were discussing the possible war with Iraq in history class the other day and when asked what I thought all I could say was that I didn't really care what happened.

    Makes me sound kind of helpless, and without opinion, but that's just how I feel. I bought into the whole war against terrorism bit and was real positive about cleaning up the world, then I just kind of went into a state of FTW. Ah well, I won't catch it tonight most likely, but I will definately hear about it as CNN runs it into the ground for weeks to come.

  14. #14
    Dirjj Mordrai
    The prospect of war is pretty scary because this is not going to be '91. Analysts say it's going fought in populous cities and in different environs such as marshes, etc. Whole different world, whole different circumstances. The reality of biological weapons use is also very high. If Saddam does not step down and war is necessary, I am going to pray for every american fighting Hussein's dictatorship and defending democracy. I really desire this war to be fought on a less personal level... like '91!

  15. #15
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    I might return to RPing if those scrumptious Gue twins would come back. Figrin Sandwich, am I right?
    Has been a member for 5 years or longer

    Figrin D'an's Avatar
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    Sep 2001
    I almost always watch the State of the Union addresses, regardless of the sitting President. I'm interested to see if Bush will pull any surprises in his speech... as you might know, there were actually some "pre-speech rebutals" by members of the Democratic party, which is quite... strange (making assumptions on what was going to be discussed and giving opposition). Although I doubt anything will occur in that regard, it would be a golden opportunity for Bush make a few of his opponents look foolish if he chose to exploit the opportunity.

  16. #16
    Someone got a start time?

  17. #17
    Admiral Lebron
    Hmm... I'll read the paragraph or so speach he gives online when I am done watchin' my American Idol.

  18. #18
    imported_Terran Starek
    Well, it's over now. If you missed it and you care, you can find it and analyzations plastered all over the major news channels.

    I don't know what I think yet--I haven't let it all process int my brain yet. It will soon enough, though, and I will have my opinions to share. Don't worry. hahaha

    Taylor got to watch it in DC at a State of the Union Address party at some Capitol Hill Club (I believe he said) which is pretty friggin cool.

    If you don't care about this kind of stuff--it doesn't make you less of a person or anything. I mean, honestly, it makes you less aware of the nation/world and affairs in it. But politics is not for everyone--which is why we have a representative democracy. So that Amercians can choose their participation.

  19. #19
    imported_Grev Drasen
    I should care, as it could and might possibly affect my future in the years ahead. Warring Iraq, in what I've gathered and my personal opinion, can only lead to more unstable relationships with other opposing countries. Not to mention making some of our more friendly countries of the United Nations look lesser upon us for it.

    I'm really unsure of what Bush's motives are, so I don't really have room to speak on it. But he's suspecting Iraq as a future threat to the United States because they own, or could possibly own weapons of mass destruction. Well, seeing as to how we own weapons of mass destruction couldn't other countries look upon us as a possible threat?

    I don't expect China or Russia to raid our country, so I don't expect us to raid Iraq. I don't know, I need to watch more news.

  20. #20
    Well, it looks like we'll be ousting Saddam soon. All in all, it was a decent speech. Not a great one, in pretty much followed the domestic and war rhetoric, but very good.

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