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Thread: Kalia...

  1. #1


    Inu sat in his usual tree in the village. It was early morning, a few weeks after the birth of his daughter Kalia. The baby had awoke for the 4th night in a row. Poor Sorr had been busy with her during the day, and was dead tired. So he'd taken the baby outside and calmed it, then spent the night in the tree, so Kalia wouldn't wake Sorr again. The baby poked his face and burbled.

    "Huh...oh, morning, is it? Good morning, little one. You nearly woke your mother last night with your fuss."

    The baby just smiled and reached for his hair.

    "Back off, you!" he said playfully, sliding down from the tree with Kalia in his arms. "Ya hungry? Let's see what Grandma's got cookin'."

  2. #2
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorr had wandered out to the table a few mins prior to her mate. After taking a seat, she tried not to doze off again, she was dead tired but still hungry and with her metabolism, she couldn't skip meals. Obasan brought over some food before she spoke to Sorr.

    "Dig in, I hear Kalia gave you a rough night again."-Obasan

    There was no answer though and the old woman looked towards the young mother. Sorr was asleep again, head resting on her hand and her elbow leaned on the table.

  3. #3
    "Wake up, lazybones!" Inu said with a smile, though he himself was feeling much the same as Sorr. Kalia giggled, and Inu set her on the table before Sorr, helping the child sit up.

    "Someone's happy to see you."

  4. #4
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorreessa shook her head to wake up before yawning, staying awake seemed hard these days. She smiled at her daughter and picked her up.

    "At least someone jis happy, she's gotten a lot of sleep unljike the rrrest of us."

    She ruffled the cub's hair, smiling widely.

    "Djid she let you get any sleep last njight?"

  5. #5
    "Heh, it took some doing, but I finally got her to sleep at about 2...fell asleep myself a half hour later..."

    Inu took a seat and yawned. Little Kalia mimicked him.

    "This is far more difficult than it appears."

  6. #6
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorr shook her head again, she had nodded off briefly.

    "Yes jit jis, now jI underrrstand why my motherrr was so tjirrred wjith my brrrotherrr."

    She nuzzled the side of Kalia's face causing her to laugh softly.

    "I was able to get a bjit of sleep but jI'm stjill dead tjirrred."

  7. #7
    Obasan handed Inu a plate and sat down to eat herself.

    "I'm not sure we'll be getting any regular sleep for a while, except for her," he commented, gesturing at Kalia as he ate his breakfast. "Is she hungry at all?"

  8. #8
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    "Lucky ljittle one she jis...."

    Sorreessa shook her head though at his question.

    "Doesn't seem to be, she would be mewjing at me jif she was."

    Kalia was occupied with getting her mother's hair for the moment, her mother winced occationally when she pulled too hard.

  9. #9

    Inu was still learning. So far he could put the child to sleep, but not much beyond that. He had yet to try his hand at changing the child, And wouldn't be feeding her until she had teeth enough to eat solid food.

  10. #10
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Kalia tired of her mother's hair and took to mewing softly.

    "Oh now you'rrre hungrrry."

    Sorreessa shook her head before letting her nurse and covering her with her hair, the young mother was comfortable with Inu but Obasan was still enough of a stranger to make her not comfortable.

    "Stjill can't get used to thjis..."

    She said quietly, it was a weird feeling at any rate.

  11. #11
    Inu turned his head, looking to Obasan. The old woman was paying more attention to her food. Inu did the same.

    "...when will she be able to eat solid food?"

  12. #12
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorreessa smirked, she could see why Obasan was looking away but Inu not was somewhat funny, she ran her fingers over his ear as poking fun at him.

    "Don't know rrreally, prrretty much when herrr teeth come jin."

  13. #13
    "And when is that?"

    Sure he should be accustomed to this by now, but was one of those things he'd been raised as a human to back off from.

  14. #14
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    She smiled, if Obasan wasn't there, she would have made him look just to get a laugh from his embarrassment but she didn't dare now.

    "No jidea, Kaljia wjill have a new tjime table sjince she's been djifferrrent on everrrythjing else, only tjime wjill tell."

    Kalia finished and pulled away so Sorr covered up again before finally eating a bit of the food in front of her.

  15. #15
    Finally. Inu reached over and took the child, allowing Sorr to eat.

    "I guess we'll know when she starts biting things. I remember seeing babies that were getting teeth bite things endlessly."

    Kalia burped.

  16. #16
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    "She betterrr not bjite me."

    Sorreessa chuckled softly, ruffling Kalia's hair again.

    "Stjill jI wonderrr how thjingsss wjill be djifferrrent wjith herrr...."

  17. #17
    "We'll soon see."

    Kalia cocked her head at him. They stared for a moment, then Kalia reached out and took hold of his hair, pulling it hard.

    "Ow ow OW! Leggo!"

    She was stronger than most, faster, more intelligent too.

  18. #18
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorr reached over and loosened her daughter's grip from her father's hair.

    "When wjill you learrrn not pull so harrrd?"

    She waved a finger in Kalia's face but that didn't work as Kalia grabbed the finger and sucked on it. Sorr pulled her hand away though.

    "Blech, hate jit when she does that..."

    Sorr made a face before chuckling, still she had a feeling Kalia understood, Kalia progessed much faster than anything Sorr had ever heard of.

  19. #19
    Having lost her mother's finger, she moved for her father's own clawed hands.

    "Leave those alone. You shouldn't stick claws in your mouth."

    There was a little pacifier on the table, he popped that into her mouth instead and leaned back in the chair.

  20. #20
    Sorreessa Tarrineezi
    Sorreessa chuckled while her tail swished and forth happily.

    "She wjill prrrobably keep trrryjing untjil she gets one.."

    She said quietly as Kalia watched her father as she always did. Sorr didn't mind it really, it was normal for a cub to prefer one parent's company more than the other besides it worked for her when Kalia wouldn't sleep, her daughter would always be happy with her father. She smiled at Inu, despite his worries, he was doing well so far and it was easy to see that he loved Kalia.

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