A letter was dropped through the slot in Sejah's door. It had been postmarked once, but had bee re-directed twice already before it finally reached him.

It was an old stlye of sending a letter, physically, that was. And that particular missal was old in another style as well. Instead of being placed in an envelope and sealed, the fine parchment, and it truly was lambskin parchment, had been rolfed at the edges, and then into thirds before having a crimson satin ribbon wrapped around it and a dollop of red wax dropped onto it to seal it shut. The royal seal of Nehantish was pressed into the wax, and the address had been hand-lettered. It was a very important letter, even in looks alone.

Sejah stepped on it comign through his door, and slipped. Flipping up into the air, he fell flat on his back with a painful crash, and the letter fluttered back down to the ground beside his bed. Grumblign as he picked himself up, the mongoose wondered what Corin had left on the floor, but then he spotted what the culprit really was, his pink eyes went wide. A royal letter.

Immidately all previous engagements were forgotten as he shut the door and scooped up the letter before sitting down on his bed. With a creful paw, he pryed open the seal and undid the ribbobn. Unfoldign the parchment, his mough hung open at what he saw. It wasn't a fake, it was a real letter, and it was really to him. HE could at least recognize his own name. The rest of the text was lost on him, though, for he couldn't make it out wit his limited literacy skills. Seeing as Corin wasn't in at the moment, Sejah thought of another who might be able to tell him what it said. Loki Ahmrah.

Nearly leaping off his bed, the brown Nehantite dashed out his door and out into the main corridoors of the Jedi Complex to find the boy who had tought him so much. Finally trackign him down, Sejah shouted, "Loki! I got a letter! A royal letter!" Nearly out of breath as he came to a stop in front of him, a nervous smile was on hsi face. He wanted to know what the letter said, even though he was aware that it might be bad news. Passing the parchment to Loki, he said, "Please, could you tell me what it says?"