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Thread: *An unarmed shuttle......

  1. #1

    *An unarmed shuttle......

  2. #2
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *De'Ville's commlink chirps* Uh, this is Fleet Control...we may have a situation here. An unarmed shuttle has taken orbit over Corellia, and is requesting permission to enter the atmosphere.

    *She sighed* This doesn't seem like this is worth my time -

    *The officer interrputed* -It's transmitting an old code, and we were about to let it through, but... Well, you'd better come up here.

    *De'Ville frowned at her commlink, even as she headed for a turbolift* All right, I'm coming. This had better be worth it.

    *A few minutes later, in the control room, she thumbed her commlink back on.* Live Wire, this is De'Ville, there's something you should see here. *She nodded to the officer, and he turned to send a transmission to the shuttle.*

    :.b.trans./encrypt./alpha3827:///:-..:Please stand by for processing/authorization/est.ten.min/..e.trans:..-:///.:

  3. #3
    Live Wire

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *LW met LD in the control room*

    Whats going on? Someone trying to make an unauthorized landing?

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *She turned towards her former master* Not exactly. They're awaiting authorization...the code is old, but the agent ID number -well, its Darth Dark Cloak. At least, its his old ID.

  5. #5
    Live Wire

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *LWs eyes grew cold*

    Do a full scan on the shuttle I want to know exactly who is with him!

  6. #6
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *She nodded at the officer, and he intitiated the scan.* I'm not sure how to interpet this information.. The life scans are all muddled together. *De'Ville pointed at the screen* See? *She turned to the officer* Can't you do better than that?

    *He apologized, and went to work on the sensors*

  7. #7
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *The officer looked over his shoulder, and then straightened upright.* Admiral!

    *Admiral Roebuck moved in front of De'Ville, shouldering her out of the way. She stepped back, frowning a little. The Admiral seemed to ignore her and Live Wire for the moment, speaking to the officer* Cloak is back? Why have you allowed him to get so close? Ionize his engines immediately!

  8. #8
    Droid Malay

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

  9. #9
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *De'Ville draws a deep breath, and leans over the control panel, tapping on a keyboard. Speaking to Cloak, she sends a transmission.* We will allow the escape pod to enter the atmosphere. Coordinates are being sent to your computer. Land the pod within those boundries or else it will be fired on and destroyed before it reaches the planet. TSO Control out.

    *She turned her commlink on, and ordered TSO ground troops to the coordinates, and told them to be ready for anything. Turning away from the console, she heads out to the site to recieve the 'gift' for Live Wire.*

  10. #10

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......


  11. #11
    Darth Viscera

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *DV takes out his datapad, and analyzes the message signal.*

    A very cryptic poem. He mentioned, "What I do now", yet he seemingly did nothing, save to transmit a poem. He also mentioned that we live heartless, as if he either pities us or hates us, thinks of himself as something better, or he's suffering from the same heartlessness himself.

    I shall come again
    And When I return you will learn
    Tis for something I yearn to earn
    I guess that means he yearns to earn the love of Mistress Live Wire, and he'll be back to claim her in his odd courtship rituals. Pretty creepy.

  12. #12

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *The troops open the Pod, and inside are Dante @#%$ and his sister Jade.*

  13. #13
    Lady DeVille

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *Arriving at the site, De'Ville tugs at her short hair as the squad commander approached her. He was visibly excited, or frightened about something.* Lady De'Ville, there are two humans in the pod, one small boy and an adult female. There is a ysalmiri in there as well, which leads me to believe that they are Force sensitive -

    *She waved a hand, cutting him off in mid sentance, and walked briskly to where TSO's troops were pulling the two from the pod. They had been bound securely by Cloak, and the nutrient frame for the Force bane was attatched to the woman's back.

    Upon a closer look, she didn't look strong enough to stand with it on her...both the child and she were injured, the boy with bandages on his two shoulders. De'Ville allowed a satisfied smile to cross her lips as she got close enough to identify the humans. She thumbed on her commlink*
    Live Wire, we have in our possession Jade and Dante M'arzullo. Ground troops will be bringing them in now to the detention area.

    *She turned to the commander, who was hanging by her elbow. De'Ville glared at his openly eager face.* What are you standing about for? Get those two inside!

    *He jumped, and hurried off towards his men, waving his arms and shouting orders. De'Ville stood where she was, keeping an eye on the operation.*

  14. #14
    Live Wire

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *LW looks at the message transmitted by Cloak and her face grew cold. I guess she didn't really expect to be left alone after the last time. She had been right...this was all personal. Without a word she turned at headed toward the detention center. She turned on her comlink*

    Im on my way there.

    *Jade had been a friend of hers....long ago before she had even learned the ways of the sith. How much of that mattered now with all she'd been through LW didn't know. And dante.....that poor child corrupted by the insanity of his father. Jen would turn over in her grave..... LW sighed as she stood outside the detention center waiting for the two of them to be brought in*

  15. #15

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......


  16. #16
    Lord Dagger

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    OOC/ I would really like to know when this is set, after all it puts me in a rather difficult possission would you say?? \IC

  17. #17
    Live Wire

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    OOC: I was under the impression it was just after OLK.


    *LW frowned.......curiouser and curiouser She could sense that DDC hadn't left.....he was wating for a reaction. Her reaction. Again she cursed her involvement in all of this. DDC had entangled her into his life so well she wondered if she'd ever be released. Scowling she sent a message to him through the force*

    Waiting for a thank you?

  18. #18

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......


  19. #19
    Live Wire

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

    *LW sensed a change in DDC's demeanor*

    So much secrecy. Don't expect to be welcomed with open arms.

  20. #20

    Re: *An unarmed shuttle......

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