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Thread: Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...

  1. #1
    Avolon Bisel

    Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...

    Avolon holds the door open as his Astromech rolls through. Avolon stops at the entrance. The scent of evil could almost be smelled in the air. It made him think of home. He found himself a seat and waited for the waitress to serve him as he Astromech beeped and whistled at his side.

  2. #2
    Live Wire

    Re: Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...

    *walks by*

    the visitors center is a bar now?

  3. #3
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...

    Can I have a martini? Shaken, not stirred.

  4. #4
    Live Wire

    Re: Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...

    no! if you want a drink go to the black hole or the lounge over at LVs board

  5. #5
    Jeseth Cloak

    Re: Steps in while his Astromech rolls in...


    ;;Walks away, disconcerted about asking anyone for drinks anymore...;;


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