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Thread: A way around the new fleet rule BS

  1. #1
    Live Wire

    A way around the new fleet rule BS

    Okay I didnt want to start an arguement out in the discussion chambers but I still dislike the cutting down of our fleets. Its not fair that the groups who failed to do building threads (which take little or no effort!) didnt and now are paying the price. Its not our freaking fault we used our time and resources productively!

    So anyawy I was thinking of ways to get around this new crap they are trying to impose. They want to cut group fleets. Well let them. They cant cut personal ships. Why dont we cut down TSO's fleet and divide the rest of the ships among the members as their personal entourages. Their personal escorts. The member will own the ships and the crew but when needed they can be called to assist TSO.

    For example any ships that I have can be used when I go on diplomatic missions. (something i need to start doing) Its a way of protecting our members against ambushes and also keeping ships close at hand. True that means the ships may at times be scattered about but its better then nothing and it is also a way to keep all of our members safe.

    What do you guys think?

  2. #2
    Lord Dagger

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    I like it, i always take at least 2 ships with me where ever i go, and the others are always on hand, any new ships become my personal fleet they won't cut those down so they are safe, spilt them small enough and cutting them down would cause them to disapear

  3. #3
    The Lounge Lizard

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    LW, I really think you need to stop this antagonism.

    As far as reducing the number of ships, this plan is ACROSS THE BOARD! This means, every faction reduces the number of ships they own.

    I've stared at these new rules till I'm blue in the face, and I can't find a thing wrong with them at present. We should support them, and stop trying to bicker out of them.

  4. #4
    Lady DeVille

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    I support the decision to revise the rules. It just makes sense, and if its across the boards then everyone is doing it, so its fair. Besides, everyone is always complaining about fleet battles, so at least we have a chance at some agreement this time.

  5. #5
    Darth Roul

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    I like the idea of spliting up the fleet to the members, also since we are limited to ship yards so we should divide them up too(if we have more than the allowed amount)

  6. #6
    Live Wire

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    well I think thats pushing it. A lone member wouldnt really have the resources for that kind of thing and the general idea was to make it so fleets dont grow so fast and it is true that the groups that dedicate lots of resources to it are growing fast. I mean look at tso we have a formidable navy but haven't been around relatively that long.

    But the idea of masters and diplomats having their own personal escorts was something I'd been thinking about for awhile especially since soda boy came back (not that I consider him much of a threat) but I still think its a good idea but we never had the resources to provide them with the ships since we were dedicated to zues and such. Now we have the ships and it could work.

    Its just an idea thats been knocking about in my head. take it or leave it.

  7. #7
    Lady Vader

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    well, I for one do have some personal ships of my own... my Sith Infiltrator, my Advanced TIE Interceptor, and those four cloaking ISD I had upgraded...

    I don't own the fighter squads... I only command them...

    it still bothers me that we have to "downgrade"... yeah, true it's happening all over the boards... but it's not our freakin fault some of the groups are slow and too lazy to post that they've made their fleets grow... it still seems like we're getting jipped...

  8. #8
    The Lounge Lizard

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    Dammit, thats not even the reason we're downgrading.

    We're downgrading because the sheer size of these fleets have become re-damn-diculous!

    I've worked with Vis, and as of the downgrade, GMA has about 480 ships, which is still a helluva lot. TSO would field somewhere in the range of about 300, I believe. I really don't see what the problem here is? It would be one thing if we alone had to limit our ship numbers, but that is simply not the case.

  9. #9
    Dark Lord Dyzm

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    What if we Combine, 2 Vics equals a Impstar or something, that will shrink our fleet and be alot easier to command.

  10. #10
    Garrett Blade

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    Well as far as this abismal "downgrading" is concerned, there is no way I am just gonna erase the damn ships from existence. All ships which would be otherwise forgotten about will be salvaged. We can then use the resources that are reclaimed for things such as new bases, satellites, relay stations - in other words a legitimate way of expanding our borders. If anybody asks - "Where did you get the resources to build a stronghold on such-and-such a planet" we say that it was with the salvaged resources from the downgrading. If nobody likes thi idea then thats fine - give me another one - but I am not just gonna forget about the resources we put into the fleets!

  11. #11
    The Lounge Lizard

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    As I said...the downgrades are on equal terms across the board. So what if our fleet gets smaller? We shouldn't have to rationalize it and say we took the material to make new ships instantly...thats imprudent. Your not losing what you've worked for. The more ships we have now....the more ships we'll have after the downgrade. Its that simple.

  12. #12
    Lady Vader

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    *thinks, but has nothing to say*

    EDIT: LV fix the sig you're shreading threads again.

  13. #13
    Live Wire

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    well like I said it was a suggestion.

    and LV I think you forgot to close a table in your sig or something but I didnt have a change to look at your code yet.

  14. #14
    Xarkz Chaos

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    i was wondering

  15. #15
    Lady Vader

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    sig fixed (no more shreading)... sorry about that... ezboard tends to limit the characters you have for your sig and I guess I went over... I just removed some stuff and voula... I'm my pissy self again :

  16. #16
    Darth Roul

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    oh crap she's pissy again

  17. #17
    Live Wire

    Re: A way around the new fleet rule BS

    when is she not pissy


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