**She glances at her padawan and laughed. Shaking her head slightly, Bel continued.

"Honestly, Cloud... You are my first padawan. I am a newly promoted Knight, and I'm honestly simply feeling my way along here. I can only use my experiences with my Jedi Master, Sage Hazzard.."

**At the mention of his name, he eyes glazed over for a second. She thought back to her padawan days, and began to mull over how to be as good a teacher as Sage was.

"I really don't know what you can do to prove you are pushing your limits, except to push them. It shows, my padawan. It shows in everything you do. Every action, every step you take, every twitch of you finger, your accomplishments will show through. It will not be easy. I'm not a hard person to deal with, but I will not go easy. Every day I want you to test your limits. Spar with other padawans, or even knights and masters."

**In her mind, she continued to go over Sage's lessons. An absolute perfectionish at heart, she did not want to make a mistake in his training. She knew that being a good Jedi Master was a fine line to walk. If one was too harsh, too easy, too slow, or too fast, the padawan could leave.. perhaps joining the ranks of the enemy.

**She rose to her feet.

"You will find I'm not a typical Jedi, Cloud. There are those who believe that a Jedi is always peaceful, not attacking until provoked. I am not one of those, my padawan."

**She nodded her head towards the sky

"My promise to you is that I will be the best Master I possibly can.. and your promise to me is to be the best student. I wish you luck, my padawan. Now, I must return to my quarters. Find yourself a dorm in the recruitment center, and make yourself at home. I will send for you tomorrow for your official training to begin."

**WIth that, the woman bowed slightly, and walked off towards the jedi order.