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Thread: Coruscant Tales: Priceless!

  1. #21
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Once out of sight from the crowd, Sanis makes his way to a small service hatch, close to the southern wall of the building. Crouching low, Sanis taps his ear-comm)

    Alright MARCUS, I'm here. Wait another two minutes, and open hatch AA-23.

  2. #22
    Azure Regalia

    Re: Priceless!

    The shadow stops as it hears the softly spoken words. Quickly, it scales the side wall and hops the roof. Once there, it looks over the edge to it's query down below. It takes a quick look at a small gauntlet on it's wrist, where a small light is flashing indicating where it is Sanis stands.

  3. #23

    Re: Priceless!

    Akrabbim hears the alarm beacon and pays more careful attention to Sanis. His total lack of suprise gives away the fact that this alarm was planned. He maintins his position in the shadow until Sanis moves out of sight. Once everyone has evacuated the building, Akrabbim goes after Sanis. Sanis is so preoccupied with where he is going that he doesn't look back often, making it easy for Akrabbim to tail him. Sanis stops near an access hatch and says something into his wrist comm. A few moments later, the hatch opens and Sanis begins to enter it. Akrabbim knows that he has to move now, while Sanis is still out in the open. He steps into clear view and ignites his lightsaber.

    Excuse me, "sir", but shouldn't you have left the building already? I'd hate to have to escort you out of here...

  4. #24
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis stood at the sound of the voice. From the edge to it, he didn't have to guess who he would see as he turned.)

    I knew you couldn't just leave well enough alone, Jedi. Is there that little to do back at the Order? I didn't think they sent the guardians of peace and justice out to stop a little petty thievery.

    (As Sanis speaks, he slowly brings his right hand to his belt, tapping a small device clipped there. A small and very faint high-pitched sound was audible for a split second, and then nothing.)

    What do you say that I give you a couple of hundred credits, and you just keep on your merry little way, and forget we ever met. No? Don't like that idea? Well, I didn't really think it would work anyways...

    (Sanis was lightning-quick to the draw, pulling both of his Corellian blasters from his side holsters, and firing both of them in tandem, straight at Akrabbim.)

  5. #25
    Azure Regalia

    Re: Priceless!

    The shadow cursed under it's breath, and slid down a lightweight crapple cord. It landed in a shadow just a few feet away from both men. The shadow sniffed the air once and instantly recognized the Force user. Instinctively, the shadow raised it's natural Force-inhibiting bubble and stepped into a light spot. Sanis didn't seem to notice the movment, but the Force user detected the empty spot where the Force should be.

    The shadow ripple and took on color at last. The shadows skin turned into a powder blue color, hair orange-red, and eyes glowing yellow. She stood there, two heavy blasters, each trained on one man. She addressed the Force user.

    I have a stake on this man. The auhtorities of this planet have so given me permission to hunt this man down with any means I deem neccessary. He is of no concern to you.

    I have no quarel with you.

    She addressed Sanis, still not taking her eyes off of the Force user.

    Sanis Prent. You are wanted by the High Comendant of Obroa-Skai. You will come with me peacefully.

    She sneared.

    Or you can come with me the difficult way.

  6. #26

    Re: Priceless!

    Akrabbim blocks both bolts with ease, returning them directly back at Sanis. They streak toward his chest, when they suddenly dissipate into thin air. Some sort of shield? Akrabbim chuckles darkly...

    So, you have a personal shield? Extinguishes lightsaber Let's see if it can stop this...

    Akrabbim draws one of his shuriken and causes it to hover horizontally between his hands. He causes it to spin, faster and faster, until the air around it is shimmering from the speed it creates. He then launches the shuriken straight at Sanis' chest. He loses Force contact with it once it gets within a few feet of Sanis, but because of its speed, it hardly matters. The shuriken slams into his shield still spinning. It begins slowing down against the shield, but the damage is already done. The shield shorts out, causing the shuriken to go flying off at an odd angle. A pop followed by a puff of smoke appears at Sanis' belt. Akrabbim calls the errant shuriken back to his hand and replaces it in his tunic.

    Well, you won't be blocking any more bolts that way. Care to fire at me again?
    Just then, a shadow drops down near Akrabbim. He feels his Force connection abruptly shut off. He quickly staggers backward, out of range of the bubble, and takes a deep breath once he regains his connection. The shadow takes its normal form, and Akrabbim addresses the new entrant.

    I have no quarrel with you either. But he is MINE. I have no desire for bounty. If I defeat him, he is yours for the taking, bounty and all. But if you don't mind, I have business with him.

  7. #27
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis holstered his blasters, removing the shorted-out light shield emitter from the device on his belt.)

    Seems you won a gamble. Appears my light shield was rather weak today.

    (Sanis taps the backs of each of the gloves he is wearing, a small light appearing on each.)

    Don't worry, Jedi...if anything, I am always up to the task.

    (As Sanis spoke, a shadowy figure dropped from above, standing between himself and Akrabbim. It took several seconds before Sanis realized the figure was the artist woman from the exhibition.)

    I'll be damned...

    (As the woman spoke to the Jedi and himself, Sanis reached under his coat, slowly opening the breech of his Mandalorian Shell Gun. With the confrontation at a relative stalemate, Sanis loaded two shells into the gun, one blue, and one yellow. Gently closing the breech, Sanis stared at the two combatants. Seemed the routine job was now anything but.)

    Obroa-skai? Well...I didn't think I had any fans out there. Well I guess I learn something new every day.

    (Sanis places his sunglasses on, watching both of his adversaries)

  8. #28
    Azure Regalia

    Re: Priceless!

    The Bounty Hunter had seen the slight movement of Sanis's hand under his cloak and ever so slightly heard a tiny soft click. Her reptilian instincts sensed danger, and the small horny ridge on her back lifted ever so slighty, but not enough to show through her garb. She reached to her belt and touched it lightly, bringing up a strong-yield personal shield. She addressed Sanis.

    Your fandom at Obrae-Skai does not concern me; only the hunt does.

    She grinned, showing sharp teeth.

    And I always catch my prey.

    Without warning, she spat at Sanis. A clear liquid landed on his shoe with a plop and began to sizzle it's way through to his toes. Sanis looked down and started stomping his foot. Using the distraction to her advantage, she reached behind her back, grabbed a small ball, and threw it at Sanis. It exploded into an electro-net just inches from his face and wrapped and tangled itself to him. He struggeld against it, but each struggle brought out an electro charge; the harder the struggle, the harder the shock.

    While all that was happening, she had moved closer to the Force user to capture him in her Force-inhibiting bubble, and lassoed him with her electro-whip, pinning his arms and legs down using her free hand. She threw him to the ground near her to keep him from slithering away from her Force-inhibiting bubble.

  9. #29
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis writhed within the confines of the electro-net, its modulating current blasting through his body in waves of shocks. At least the acid the lady had spit dissipated across the durasteel in his boot's toe. But...Sanis' troubles were now magnified.)

    An electro-net, huh? I see you've got a few interesting toys. I can also assume since you're taking this bounty that you're not a member of the Outlaw guild. Figures as much, I suppose.

    (Sanis wedged the barrel of his Shell Gun against the net, firing the blue round out of the right side barrel. Sanis' face controted into a grimace as he was thrown back by the blast. The Shell round, once clear of the muzzle, began to emit a powerful frontal shield barrier in front of it, causing the electro-net to expand suddenly, overloading its power capacity. As the spent shell fell to the ground, Sanis worked his way out of the nullified energy web, standing up slowly.)

    But that's okay, I've got a few toys of my own.

    (Sanis fires his Shell Gun from the hip, emptying the left barrel of the yellow shell. The shell hits just shy of Azure's feet, but throws a wicked spray of compressed incendiary jelly in her direction, dousing her in sticky and flaming napalm. Using the distraction, Sanis runs to his duffle bag, removing a large backpack, and putting it on. As he does so, he presses down a lever on the backpack's support straps, and is launched into the air by powerful jump jets. As Azure is busy with the spattering of flaming jelly, Sanis maneuvers high and wide around her, unholstering his two Corellian blasters and sending a dozen or so pot shots in her direction.)

  10. #30

    Re: Priceless!

    [i]As the bounty hunter is distracted with Sanis, Akrabbim works one of his shuriken free and cuts the whip around him. As the bounty hunter is distracted, he slips behind her using his race's inherent love of darkness. In darkness, he is nearly undetectable by anyone. He hits the woman in the temple with a shuto hand (basically a chop, but the fingers are bent at 90 degrees). He feels the Force return to him as the woman loses her concentration. To make sure that she does not bring back the Force inhibition, he begins flooding her mind with Force Illusions of extreme chaos. He creates images of light, darkness, color, people, animals... in essence, far too much information for any brain to comprehend. He hears a thump nearby and looks to see Sanis landing several yards away. He raises his saber and ignites it, waiting on his attack.

  11. #31
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis stares across the field at the Padawan, who has just dropped the bounty hunter woman to the ground. He smiles)

    You're good, Jedi...

    (Sanis removes from his bandolier, a black Mandalorian shell. Holding it between the index finger and the thumb of his left hand, he watches the light glint off its metallic surface, before flipping his right wrist, and opening the breech of his Shell Gun.)

    ...but I won't exactly shake your hand for that.

    (Sanis' smile fades from his face, as he slides the large munition into the left barrel of the Shell Gun. Closing the gun's breach with a clack, Sanis raises the sidearm and levels it straight at Akrabbim.

    Sanis fires.)

  12. #32

    Re: Priceless!

    Akrabbim takes note of what Sanis is doing with curiosity. He keeps up his Illusion assault on the bounty hunter and studies what Sanis is doing.

    Why is he attacking with a projectile weapon? He knows I can block a blaster bolt. Does he not think I can block a bullet?

    While Akrabbim is pondering, Sanis fires the round. Akrabbim, with his Force-enhanced reflexes, lifts his saber in more than enough time to block the shot. Suddenly he realizes his error... the shell is no ordinary shell! But it's too late... the bullet is already at his saber. The casing is immediately incinerated on his lightsaber... but the casing houses cortosis shrapnel! It immediately deactivates his lightsaber, allowing the bulk of the shrapnel to hit him square in the chest. The blast knocks him to the ground, causing him to stop his Force assault on the bounty hunter. Fortunately, she would still be dazed for a few moments. Sanis, however, is another matter...

    OOC: BTW, to contact me, use ICQ or MSN messenger. My ICQ# is 25134493, and MSN is

  13. #33
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis watches as the smoke curls up and out of the Shell Gun's muzzle. Through the smoke, Sanis can see the Jedi falling on his back, his lightsaber rolling a few feet away from him. Sanis smiles slightly, sliding his Mandalorian weapon back to its holding loop on his belt. Slowly, he approaches the fallen Padawan. Within a few steps, Sanis can tell with reasonable assuredness that his cortosis-filled shell has hit home. The front of Akrabbim's black gi glistens in the moonlight from the bloody ooze that trickles from his chest. Sanis walks up to the fallen Jedi, noting the spray of jagged entry wounds across his chest. Quite a nasty way to go...but Sanis had no intention of killing the nosey upstart if no money was in it.

    Kneeling down, Sanis removes a canister of bacta salve from his belt. Grabbing Akrabbim's right arm, Sanis slaps the jar into his hand, making sure he holds onto it. He then reaches over, slapping the Jedi gently across the face, to make sure he has his attention. Sanis' voice is full of annoyance and frustrated anger.)

    Dammit boy, I told you not to get in my way for a reason. I came here to do a job, and I don't need a dead Jedi to complicate my business here. You should've stayed back at the Order where you damn-sure belong. You're not worth the bullet I shot you with, and next time you botch up another one of my jobs, I won't be here bailing your ass out with a bacta salve. Now, use this, don't die...and stay your ass way the hell away from me.

    (Sanis pushed the Jedi's face away from him and into the grass as he stood. He turned and looked at the groggy bounty hunter.)

    Too many damn complications for such a small job. I swear, just when a guy tries to relax...

    (Sanis loads a green shell into his Mandalorian Shell Gun, levels it at the fallen Hunter, and fires. The strong Tensanet webbing that springs out from the fired cartridge engulfs the huntress completely, keeping her securely pinned to the ground. Sanis stands over her, looking at the two fallen combatants, as he taps the small communications device in his ear.)

    MARCUS, hurry up and get that painting out of there. I'll bring the speeder up to the back. Get cracking!

  14. #34

    Re: Priceless!

    Akrabbim hears Sanis' words vaguely... he spreads the salve on his chest as soon as he is able to work up the strength to do so. He gets up from the ground and hobbles to the nearest medibot to get the shrapnel removed. Once he has been healed, he returns to his room.

    So... Sanis has some toys, does he? Well, I will have to counter that in kind. Now, to find a pound or two of quantum armor...

  15. #35
    Sanis Prent

    Re: Priceless!

    (Sanis quickly runs to the parking lot, hopping into his rental. With a few quick movements, he fired up the speeder, driving it to the back of the Exhibition Hall, where eight pink can-shaped droids were lugging a rolled up canvas out of the maintenance hatch. Sanis decelerates the speeder, and helps the little MARCUS modules load the painting in the vehicle. A few seconds later, and Sanis is kicking it into high gear, sending the speeder down the long and winding road at top speed.)

  16. #36
    MARCUS v4

    Re: Priceless!

    The several MARCUS modules begin stowing away the expensive painting inside of a small tube. As Sanis increases the speed, zooming off towards the space port, a few of the modules take time to scold him.

    Sanis, that job was uncharacteristically sloppy. What happened? Why were so many people after you? There will be too many witnesses here now. I fear that the seventy-five thousand credits we make on this mission will not compensate for the dangers we experienced. Perhaps next time we should attempt to study the job a little more before execution.

    Also, there is a 75.34 percent chance that the two people you encountered will follow you. One was identified as a Jedi, and the other was a bounty hunter of some kind, from her methods. I fear this is danger that will linger with us for quite some time.

  17. #37
    Azure Regalia

    Re: Priceless!

    The Bounty Hunter shakes her head as the images that had been assailing her begin to diminish. Her healing abilities are faster than normal, and the massive headache she had is now disipating. Regaining full power of her mind, she raises the Force-inhibiting bubble again, making it twice as strong. She looks at the predicament she is in.

    She hisses softly to herself.

    This is not over yet, Sanis Prent. You will yet be my prize.

    Without a word, she retrieves her heat-vibro blade and begins to saw and melt away at the connections in the net to free herself.

    Once free of the net, she calls her swoop using her mini-computer around her mid-forearm. It comes to a hault near her and she climbs aboard it, heading towards the hangar that holds her ship. From there, she will be able to track Sanis with ease using the small, unidentifiable tracking-nanites she'd placed on his face when she'd carressed his cheek.

    The Hunt had just begun.

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