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Thread: Assistance and submissions requested.

  1. #1
    Ogre Mal Pannis

    Assistance and submissions requested.

    I am currently of the mindset that it is time for a little visual change to our forums and would like to ask all of you, the posters on this board, to make any suggestions and or submissions for new banners, new topic, add reply, and control icons and graphics.

    As I am thinking right now, It may only be for the RP related forums, but if the other Admins like them, it could become a standard across the boards. The only requirement is that the graphics remain small in filesize. No big fancy background images, preferably something small that tiles well.

    Suggestions are also welcome, besides just submissions. Thanks. I look forward to seeing what our posters come up with.

  2. #2
    Admiral Jyener

    Different colors.. The light blue and white colors are getting a little boring, and the battleground isn't all about Amidala and Maul.

  3. #3
    Garrett Blade

    It would be nice to have a "Fringe" feel for things. Instead of just the plain old stars background, how about something along the lines of Jabba's Palace, or Mos Eisley. The part where the camera pulls back to see more of the space port would make a nice background. As for icons, change lightsabers for blasters and thermal detonators. For colours, something that gets across the idea of crime and ruthlessness, how about rusty oranges and golden browns?

  4. #4
    Jedi Rebel X

    I'm actually fine with the way it looks now, but a change in the background wouldn't bother me much. I like the black backgrounds of the posts...and the white in the text is in my opinion the best text color. Do what you want, it's always good to have a change every once in a while.

  5. #5
    Dyne Darkforce

    I agree with the change, as it spices things up. The banner should be changed for sure. Maybe a bit more generalized, so it relates to all of Star Wars and not just Maul and Amidala. The background could have some image related to space. As far as the black table and white text are concerned, I can go along with that. The text and table colors wouldn't bother me if it were kept the same.

  6. #6
    Sage Hazzard

    If I ever get Paintshop working again I'll make some graphics. Plenty so the admin can choose from them, or even shoot them down.

    Perhaps we need something to do with a battleground? Where did a large fight take place? How about the Mual fight? Wouldn't that picture be good? Sans the characters of course. Or perhaps not.

  7. #7
    Darth Eve

    Ogre, I will probably submit some stuff to you all. Anyone have suggestions for color themes, or anything like that before I start?

  8. #8
    Vega Van Derveld

    A change would be nice. I liked that sound of that Mos Eisley/Jabba's place idea..

  9. #9

    to me, it HAS to be space. Its the main thing about Star Wars. Banner could be redone though

  10. #10
    Jeseth Cloak

    Hm... I'll have some images up by tonight on here... :evil:

    IF my computer can make it through one post on OOC....

  11. #11
    Admiral Jyener

    Yeah, the tables are good, but I meant the link colors mainly. And the backround needs to stay simple, just find a different picture of space.

  12. #12

    Honestly, I'm fairly opposed to the idea of image backgrounds for several reasons, the foremost being that A) They look bad when tiling, and B) They tend to interfere with reading the text. Practicality over aesthetics is my motto. I would try to whip something up, if I were on my main computer. :/

  13. #13
    Jubei SaDherat Vader

    I like the starfield, and would prefer that its kept that way.

    On the banner...yeah, I could go for a change. It would be cool to see perhaps some of the RP characters represented in a banner....maybe even something that rotates, like an .ASP rotating banner. Now that would be interesting.

  14. #14

    Oh lord... more ASP madness

  15. #15
    Jubei SaDherat Vader

    Hehe....but of course!

  16. #16
    Ralin Zoth

    The thing about backgrounds is they either need to be very small and tiled or very large and centered. The problem is some backgrounds wouldn't look well tiled, like a Jabba's Palace type scene for instance. Ya it would be cool to have something like that in the background but realize that you'd have to have an image that's about 2000x2000 or it's going to tile and the problem with that is a background like that wouldn't tile well. I'm not so much worried about the background interfering with the text because the table BGColor could be black like it is now. As for a banner I definitely think we need a new banner, maybe even a different color scheme. New buttons might be cool also. I'll try to whip something up for eveyrone's approval in Photoshop when I get home.

  17. #17

    Even with solid tables, it makes it hard to see the name of topics.

  18. #18

    character banners would be great, but it would end up being elitist. How would you choose who?

  19. #19
    Keerrourri Sarrtarroa

    you could keep it at members who have been here for half a year or longer, things to that effect....who knows? I figure adding them in groups of 2 dozen or could eventually get most people in there.

  20. #20
    Morgan Evanar

    Yah... In groups of six. That would rock, at least for the RPing Forums. Start with the oldest members 1st, and work your way down.

    I think everyone would think it would be cool to see themselves up in the banner.

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