Continued from from <a href= Range?topicID=3434.topic&start=47&stop=48>here:

Territories of Natche, on a planet of unknown origin near the north quadrant....

Tomiko crossed her arms. "In any case, that data won't be any good to us without a new ship."

Alice patted part of the ship affectionately. "And after I had already renamed it my new Alice Rock. Pity. We better get something really nice."

Tomiko shrugged. "Whatever."

Alice laughed but suddenly froze. She grabbed her head and shut her eyes. "Universals signature."

"There are some here. Well what do you know?"

"Let's go greet them."

"No. I have a better idea. Put the ship in self-destruct mode...."

She smirked at Tomiko and could immediately tell what the plan was. "You are such a good student. This teacher is proud."

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