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Thread: UGH....death to EZBoard!!!!!

  1. #21
    Lady Vader

    I see ezboard made another one of their all-so-glorious upgrades again... didn't they learn from the last time?

  2. #22
    Sith Kat

    : OMG, what is the problem??? I don't get it.

  3. #23
    Live Wire

    God why dont they leave the system alone!!!!!

  4. #24
    Darth Viscera

    Kat, the problem is that many people around here post as 3,4, even 5 different characters. They used to have a way for you to change the user name and post as someone different, without going and logging out, then logging back in again, then pulling up the post page, but now they've taken that feature out, so it's much more time-consuming and tedious for those of us who post multiple characters.

  5. #25
    Darth Turbogeek

    And the fact is, the problem that disabling that functionality was supposed to fix, is not. This is a downgrade if I have ever seen one. It annoys the hell out of me as I post under a different name on a bug fix forum. I do NOT appreciate being forced to log / log out when I want to post under a different name, for legitamate reasons. It should NEVER be a default, it shoudl ONLY be an option

  6. #26
    Castor Marzullo

    Stop whining. Geez. Your acting like a bunch of babies over this. Well, sorry ezboard's increase in security has hindered your precious time. But this is a free service and one of the best ones out there.

  7. #27
    Admiral Jyener

    Stop whining about their complaints..

  8. #28
    Hart Kenobi

    I'm sure everyone here is man/woman enough to accept your apology Castor.

  9. #29
    Castor Marzullo

    I'm sorry.
    I see ezboard people work all day and night to fix bugs.
    I'm sorry.
    I've seen some people I know who work at ezboard get irritated and frustrated because they never get positive resposes for their hard work.
    I'm sorry.
    The service is free and optional. If you don't like it, your not wasting money.
    I'm sorry.
    I've not seen a better forum provider than this one. The staff at ezboard are few and great. They have worked long hours to try to maintain a easy to use, secure enviroment.

    Im sorry your unable to grasp the concepts that I can so plainy see.

    I'm sorry that I have to visit yet another board that bitches day after day about every little thing that goes wrong.

    I'm sorry that you think that you are in the right. Maybe each of you should "adopt" an ezboard staff member and attend to all the harrassing emails they get for their hard work.

    Maybe one day, you should send an e-mail thanking them for their hard work. Sure, I play a bastard in this RPG, but you guys are doing my part for me to ezboard.

    Heres what I say: Keep up the good work ezboard!

  10. #30
    Lady Vader

    wow... you'd think Castor was a disgruntled ezboard worker who's tired of hearing the costumers bitch and whine... maybe he's not getting paid enough :

  11. #31
    Castor Marzullo

    hmmm...tell that to my boss. Maybe he'll give me a raise!

  12. #32
    Lady Vader


    tell him you'll give your competitors wedgies if he raises your salary...


  13. #33
    Castor Marzullo


    Will do! That'll be fun!

  14. #34
    Lady Vader

    glad to be of survice : :

    (oh, and add Melvins to those that steal your guyses ideas... that should add a bonus or two to your raise : )

  15. #35
    Castor Marzullo

    Okay. And about the ezboard issue, read this thread:

  16. #36
    Android 33

    :: falls asleep before she is done reading the whole thread ::


  17. #37
    Darth Turbogeek

    Other fool Marzullo. Damn, I MUST find the pond they crawled from and get it drained.

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