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Thread: Can Everyone keep a eye out for the new.....

  1. #1

    Can Everyone keep a eye out for the new.....

    G.I.Joe's that are supposed to be coming out at some point in the coming weeks and post here if you see any?

    The line conists of 5 two figure packs @7.99 each and 3 vehicles(little submarine, tank and helicopter).

    I really wanna know when these start showing up so I can get some!

  2. #2

    I make at least one toy run a week, so I'll keep an eye out. What are the names of the characters? Is there a site where I could see some pics of the packaging?

  3. #3

    I take it these are in the 3 3/4" scale? Do you know what characters are being made?

  4. #4

    Yuppers....the 2 packs are broken down as follows.

    Snake Eyes & Storm Shadow
    Cobra Commander & Chameleon(Baroness)
    Undertow & Firefly
    Hawk & Dialtone
    Dusty & Law n Order(dog)

    Heres a link to a group of pictures, I don't know if it shows all the figures but it has a few packaged shots and boxed shots of the vehicles. guys!

  5. #5
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Damn, that link doesn't work for me! Can you post the pics here?

  6. #6

    Here's the link:

    The "Thanks" part shouldn't be there.

    I will happily look for them, jjwr, because I want them too! The Snake Eyes/Storm Shadow look cool and I am definitely getting the Firefly. I wish the Lampreys fig, came with the old Cobra Hydrofoil instead of that mini sub. And what about Zartan?!?!

  7. #7
    Jedi Master Kyle

    They look awesome, so much like the originals!
    But what the hell is up with the "G.I. Joe" logo on Snake Eyes' pants? Takes you right back to the old days of the 80's where everyone had those jogging pants with "Converse" written up the side!

  8. #8

    I'm not too thrilled about the repaint, but overall I like them. It's been quite a while since I've bought G.I.Joe stuff. In fact, i had been slowly getting rid of my stuff to make room for all my SW toys and props.

  9. #9

    Wow thanks guys! These are definetly gonna be cool, some of the repaints aren't too spectacular just happy to see Joes out there in wide release, and they already have a 2nd wave planned(Including HISS 3).

    SithLord are you still getting rid of your Joe stuff? I'm always looking for more.

  10. #10

    Yeah, I am. I mostly trade it for SW stuff, because all my Joe stuff is opened and has been played with. Email me with your want list and I'll let you know what I have. My email is

  11. #11

    Well the new Joes have been sighted in Toys R Us, so far only the 3 vehicles have been seen but no figures sighted so far.

  12. #12
    Jedi Master Kyle

    I bet the scalpers will be out to grab all the joes they can...

  13. #13

    Scalpers, eh? Okay, everyone remember the rules for dealing with scalpers: Shoot to kill!

    Disclaimer: I am in no way advocating the slaughter of scalpers and the above statement in no way makes me responsible for anyone else's actions.(But don't let that stop you!)


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