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Thread: Pearl Harbor

  1. #1

    Pearl Harbor

    I finally saw a trailer for this one last night, it looked pretty wicked. The shots of the battle scenes were incredible, the Zero's strafing and bombing the ships, definetly gonna see this one opening weekend.

  2. #2

    They moved the opening to Memorial day, so it looks like theyr going to milk it for everything they can get.

    I saw one shot where a Zero was flying like 4 feet above the ground.

    very Realistic - er maybe not.

  3. #3

    Very cool looking regardless. It'll probably open huge too.

  4. #4

    I was very impressed by the comercial that I saw. This does have the look of a blockbuster. Hopefully I'll get to see the trailer when I'm forced to see the Ashley Judd flick tonight. I'm secretly hoping Hugh Jackson will bare his Wolverine claws and slice Greg Kinear to pieces. I'd actually give the theater another 5 bucks on the way out if that happened.

  5. #5

    Take your kids to Spy Kids! instead.

  6. #6

    We changed our minds about the movies, we're going tomorrow night. If my kids were a bit older I probably would take them to see SK. It looked cheesy at first, but the last commercial I saw looked much better. Right now my wife and I just want a night out and some piece and quiet! It's ironic that we have to go to a multiplex with surround sound to get it.

  7. #7

    Pearl Harbor looks great

    ...BUT I have my doubts about it. Michael Bay is directing it, and he has yet to really prove himself to me. I hope he does a good job with this one...but I'm not holding my breath.

  8. #8
    Jedi Master Carr

    Re: Pearl Harbor looks great

    I'm not really woriedd, Bay is not a bad director he has just been victimized by bad scripts. Pearl Harbor is being written by Randall Wallace who wrote the screenplay for Braveheart. He is a good screenwriter probably the best one Bay has had for any of his movies.

  9. #9

    Randall Wallace

    Yes, he did write the script for BRAVEHEART( agreat film that I find a tad overrated) but he also wrote the script for MAN IN THE IRON MASK(an average flick at best....and alot of the problem was the script).

  10. #10
    Jedi Master Carr

    Re: Randall Wallace

    I didn't realize that he wrote that film. Still that would be a difficult one to do, I would imagine adaptaing any of Dumas' books is very difficult just about all of his film adaptaions, except for the ones made into miniseries type of movies (especially the two three Musketeers movies staring Michael York, Oliver Reed, and Charlton Heston) have stunk. Still, I think this will be an incredible movie and I would not be surprised to hear some oscar buzz if gets any postive critical reception.

  11. #11

    Re: Randall Wallace

    I think the movies is going to flop. ]

    Well maybe not FLOP. I mean, it's a big patriotic War pic opening Memorial Day weekend. But I dont' think it will be all that great - just a hunch.

    it was originally supposed to open last year some time, and I have a feeling that they realized the movies wasn't that good, so they pushed it back to get as much of a holiday boost as they could.

    Of course, that's just a theory, I have absolutely no proof.

  12. #12
    Jedi Master Carr


    It wasn't suppose to open last year they only started filming last year. I remember reading that production of the film was put off a few years back because of the film's budget it was at 200 million at one point. This scared Disney and it wasn't until Bruckhimer(sp) and Bay found ways to get the budget under 150 (its at 120 last I heard) that they gave the okay. To me the film looks amazing from what I saw from the trailers. The special effects are going to rock and I doubt that this film won't make less than 250 million.

  13. #13

    Re: No

    I think Pearl Harbor will be one of the year's best movies, no question about it. You can tell it'll be good just from the trailer basically, which is one of the best I've seen...

  14. #14
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: No

    The moive is good cause the trailer is? Hey, ID4 looked brilliant because of the trailer and it wasnt all that great. Made lot of money of course, but as a moive ID4 was pretty sucky. Special effects rocked.

    Somehow, I think Pearl Harbour will be another ID4. Great effects, crap movie. Could be wrong of course...

    Best memory of ID4 - when Star Wars Special edition came out, there was an ad for ID4 on video before the movie. The whole theatre booed with a passion.

  15. #15


    Funny you mention ID4. I'm in the process of writing a paper on how Presidents are portrayed in movies and President Whitmore from ID4 is my example of the "Superman" model...or the President we look for to give us everything. (It's a political science argument, written by some guy. The superman is the All evrything President) Amazingly enough this isn't even a film class I'm writing this paper for. I conned my Presidency Professor(my last non film upper level elective class...I'm only a few hours from graduating now!)into letting me write it.

  16. #16

    Re: Hmmmm

    I always thought the Pres in ID4 was doing kind of a Return of the Warrior King thing....

    Cool - we have 2 PH bashers now! >:-}

    I admit that it COULD be a good movie - I just have a sneaky suspicion that it will be kinf of riding Saving Private Ryan's coat tails more than blazing it's own trail.

  17. #17

    Re: Hmmmm

    I don't know how you could say that after seeing the trailer, honestly, it looks like a great movie. I cannot wait to see it.

    ID4 was not a great movie, but it was at least enjoyable. I liked seeing it, and it's a solid film, just mostly SFX, not a real original plot (at all).

    I think Pearl Harbor will be excellent, and yes, with a trailer that good I have confidence in it. Great trailers can be made for crappy movies, but usually I feel a trailer of such high quality indicates at least a good movie, possibly a great one.

  18. #18

    Re: Hmmmm

    I thought the trailer looked generic and manipulative.

    It gives me that Jurrasic Park, M:I2, ID4 kind of feeling.

  19. #19
    Force Master Hunter

    Re: Hmmmm

    A trailer is advertising. Of course it's going to make the moive look good, that's it's job ain't it? Come on man, a good trailer (read:ad) does not mean a good moive! Fact is, is it not usually the case the more advertised a moive, usually the more crap it's going to be?

  20. #20
    Jedi Master Carr

    Re: Hmmmm

    I disagree I don't think a hugely advertized film necissarily means that it will suck. Just about every big movie from Titanic to Battelfield Earth has had a lot of advertising, some stink while others are great movies. And sure a good trailer doesn't always mean anything but I usually can tell if I will see the movie or not. For example I knew from the trailer of both Battelfield Earth and the Avengers that they were bad movies. And I knew from the trailers of Jurassic Park and TPM that I would love them, I have the same feeling about Pearl Harbor. Also you cannot compare Pearl Harbor with ID4. ID4 had to with aliens and is a science fiction film. Pearl Harbor is a historical war epic, like Saving Private Ryan, the Longest Day, and the Sands of Iow Jima. So at least we know the film will have a good plot unless they distort historical events. I know the film is going to have some romantic elements I think between Kate Beckridge(sp) and Josh Harnett but it will probably be like Titanic and you could think that this could have realisically have happened.

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