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Thread: You know those pods on the EPII site?

  1. #1
    Darth McBain

    You know those pods on the EPII site?

    I was watching ANH last night and I saw something that looks quite a bit like them. During the scene where Luke is cleaning Artoo and Threepio - right before Luke goes to eat dinner, if you look on the wall behind Threepio there is a light which looks a lot like the pods on the EPII site. What does that mean? It could be just a red herring - they put them on the site to make us think they are something of importance, when it is nothing but a light in Owen's shed. Or, it could be that they are re-using some prop designs, not the most farfetched thing in the world. Or maybe it is nothing but a coincidence... Has anyone else seen this?

  2. #2

    If you look at the second Episode 2 Select picture (the one with Padme sitting on Tattooine) you can see the same design in the lower right corner, also. I agree, it's just a Tattooine design element. Certainly not a cloning pod like many people thought.

  3. #3
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Just goes to show how we jump at any little thing that they throw at us. And it also goes to show how easy it is for them to play with us!

  4. #4
    Darth McBain

    Just curious - has anyone else seen this? Let me know - it was about 1:30 in the morning when I was watching this and maybe my eyes were just playing tricks on me...


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