Read ahead. It's nothing ground-breaking, but spoiler material nonetheless!

I picked this up from

1. Anakin gets a lot of sword fights... his style is very graceful and he is impressed by the young mans swordplay...

2. He described how he planned to have Mace Windu's sword fighting style as 'precise' and 'no-sh*t'. Hence, we can expect mace to get jiggy with the lightsaber.

There was a 'no comment' about YODA getting to fight... I don't think he actually will though, judging by his response. He did say that the sword fights in EPISODE II will absolutely blow away the duels in Phantom Menace.

And to compliment that story, this one from

Dark Horizons is reporting via the 'Meet the Filmmakers' conference, which recently took place in Sydney, that Yoda will NOT have a fight scene as many fan sites have been reporting. This is somewhat intriquing as Lucas has stated that we will see why Yoda is called the master on previous occasions. Read on:

Gillard also confirmed Yoda definitely did NOT have a fight scene in Episode II, the lightsaber fighting style of Anakin "was very brash and indicative of his young age" while that of the older & wiser Mace Windu (Samuel L. Jackson) was "not brash but rather 'deadly'".