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Thread: Episode 2 filming in Spain, "confirmed"

  1. #1
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Episode 2 filming in Spain, "confirmed"

    From TF.N <font color="yellow">
    We received two reports this morning from Spain confirming that Episode II production will be taking place in Seville, Spain! First, Diego Martel Martel chimes in...
    According to "Diario 16" (a Spanish newspaper), George Lucas will shooot in Sevilla, Spain. Location? La Plaza Mayor Sevilla.
    And then there's Fernando Giménez's report...
    Hi! I am a great fan from the Star Wars films and I write you to give you big news. I am from Spain, I have just heard on the spanish radio a few minutes ago that George Lucas will be next Friday shooting Episode II in Seville, specifically in the Plaza de España, the most beautiful square of the City. This is not a rumour is confirmed!!!!!
    And Jamie sends us this link to a Spanish newspaper confirming the Seville filming also.
    So, what does the Plaza de España look like? We found these pictures at PlanetWare. Sebastian noted that it looks very Naboo-ish, or perhaps this is Alderaan? I (Chris) couldn't help but notice a similarity between this and the "open square" renditions of Coruscant that Ralph McQuarrie did some years ago. Click the images for a larger view and let the speculations begin!:

    More info about Sevilla: legend has it that it was founded by Hercules, it goes back to the Tartessians prior to the Roman conquests. Later the Moors had the area for 800 years (the architecture looks rather Moorish influenced). Also the hometown of Don Juan, numerous bullfighters and "The Barber of Seville"</font>

  2. #2

    Yes, it looks beautiful. I was a little confused when i saw that gl & co was going to spain, its been on the and several other places for awhile now. I thought they where going to do some "nature location shooting", like the tunisian dessert or the norwegian glaciers (hoth). But it turns out its going to be in a human built square. Cool. I dont think its coruscant, though i havent seen that pic by ralph McQuerry. Id say its a city on Naboo, perhaps the city of amidalas parents. They were doing some shots at a lake in italy wich supphosedly was the amidala home, but they gotta have a city somewhere round that. Wasnt there a reference to amidalas homecity in the giude to characters book....

  3. #3
    Jedi Master Kyle

    I think it is definetly Naboo or Alderaan.

  4. #4


  5. #5

    Hey, who gave them permission to film at my summer home???

  6. #6
    Jedi Master Kyle

    I think they just walk around knowing that anyone will let them film anywhere with Natalie Portman in tow. I know I would!


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