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Thread: hehe funny movie with obi wan

  1. #1

    hehe funny movie with obi wan

    hey guys,

    havent been around much lately but while surfing today i downloaded a really funny SW video with obi wan in an adventure lol

    here is the link


    its 13.6 mb just so u know! but its really funny hehe i got a kick out of it

  2. #2
    Hart Kenobi

    Since I have a dialup conn and that would take hours, can you give me the general idea of it?

  3. #3


    Well it is basically a spoof of american pie hehe Its called American Jedi and basically the point of it is in order for obi wan to become a jedi master he must get laid lol. oh man it cracked me up i gotta go watch it again. mace windu delivers a hilarious line but i wont say what cause i dont wanna spoil it for ya.

  4. #4
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Re: .....

    Holy s*it that is one of the funniest things I have ever seen!! And you're right, that Mace line was SO called for!

  5. #5


    hilarious isnt it kyle? that mace windu line had me ROFLMAO

  6. #6
    Jedi Master Kyle

    Re: lol

    I saw links in the past to see it, but I always skipped it. I'm so glad you posted it!

  7. #7
    Darth Renegade

    Re: lol

    <--- is thankful for his DSL connection right now

    Ok that was hilarious!!!!!!!!! And now I know where DT goes his quote


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