Agent Jaan Berray sat at a console in a quiet room, a stim stick idly rolling between his fingers. The screen moved of its own accord seemingly, shifting and flipping through different windows of information. The room wasn't dark and dank like they were in the Nightmare's section of the Citadel. It was more like what he had been used to as an intel analyst before going over to counter intel and source ops. And then he'd moved to the Nightmares years into his career. How that name stuck.

The last year of his life had been a Nightmare. Jaan had joined into the Inquisition thinking in absolutes, the blacks and whites, right and wrong, safeguarding morality from the terrorists. He hadn't known, couldn't have known, the kind of lengths that the Inquisition, or the Empire, as a whole was willing to go. Not until he had seen them first hand. Dren, his hand had been part of it even, and he couldn't get Renatasia IV out of his head.

Helghast had named him the ground commander for that mission and he had overseen the execution of an entire people. Some of them had been noted for the aptitude of manipulating the Force but none had really had any major connections to the Jedi or the terrorists. There were some correspondence detected and a weak network developing to support terrorist action but even from his experience in Counter Intel, nothing significant had been determined. And Helghast had ordered nearly a system wide genocide.

That had been Berray's tipping point. He had been battling with himself for some time before that with some of the things he had tied seemingly innocent people into, always ending in an untimely fate thanks to the Inquisition. His Counter Intel training and some of his extensive implants had helped mask this inner turmoil but he had been striving to find some catharsis.

He had siphoned his loss of faith in the Empire by siphoning information slowly but surely into the terrorist network. He knew them for sure as the Rebel Alliance, and knew that only a true revolution could purge this cancer from the galaxy. It was difficult though, trying to get past the Inquisition, while he was embedded so deep into the Hell of its systems. IMP watched everything. The AI was ruthless and had already killed off a number of Berray's own rogue AIs. He had been forced to sacrifice a few upstart hackers that had tried the Citadel's systems before. But at this point, he was willing to spill a little more blood if it meant bringing the end of the Empire and the Inquisition all that much sooner.

That last idea settled solidly in his stomach and he glanced about the empty room before turning back to his screen, filled with information about Rebel activity and what the Imperial network was working towards to stop it.