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Thread: Confesiones [Lucian]

  1. #1

    Closed Roleplay [X-Men] Confesiones [Lucian]

    Anna dipped her fingers in the holy water and traced the sign of the cross in front of her before stepping into the sanctuary of St. Francis Parish, her tennis shoes squeaking on the hardwood floor of the church. Passing the rows of pews until she reached the middle, Anna crossed herself again and slipped into a row to kneel and pray.

    There was a lot on her mind. Everything going on around her seemed like a swirling vortex that was trying to suck her down into despair... but she had hope. Anna pushed herself up off the kneeling bench and into the pew, waiting for the confessional to open up. Her eyes traced the interior of the church - the late fifties architecture, the statues of the Mother Mary and various saints that were scattered about the cavernous room in their separate alcoves.

    Above the altar there was a large crucifix hanging, the representation of Jesus sadly dust covered, but no less powerful an image. In the quiet of the mid morning the light cast a shadow on the statue that made Jesus look as though he were smiling. Anna couldn't help but smile too, the anxieties of her life beginning to slip away.

    The confessional opened and Mrs. Garcia stepped out. Anna smiled at her, but her neighbor didn't make eye contact as she passed by. Concerned, Anna tried to concentrate on a Psalm as the next parishioner entered the booth and closed the door. Instead, her mind wandered. There was a new priest arriving, taking over for elderly Father O'Brien. Tomorrow was to be Father O'Brien's last mass, which Anna was determined to drag Jake to, no matter what he said in protest.

    Faith was important, and Father O'Brien had helped her, and thus the House, through many crisis's - of faith and otherwise.

    It was her turn, and she stepped into the confessional booth, closing the door and sitting carefully on the threadbare bench as the sliding screen opened. "Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned. It has been a week since my last confession..."

    ice, ice, baby

  2. #2
    "May the Lord be in your heart to help you make a good confession" The voice of an unknow priest said solemly as he waited to hear the confession of another one of his new parisheners. Fr. Lucian had just arrived at St. Francis only a day praior and was happy to already to start work in his knew assignment. . .There was no immediate reaspons so Fr. urged the penitent on. "Yes my child?"

  3. #3
    She was mentally startled by the new voice, and forgot what she was going to say for a moment. "Ah..." Anna shifted on the kneeling bench, lifting her eyes to see the outline of the priest's profile.

    Taking a deep breath, she exhaled slowly and looked downward again. "I have condoned violence against those who threaten me. I have had impure thoughts about a man. I have lied... twice, and both times to law enforcement.

    "I took the Lord's name in vain four times. I gave in to fear, and despair, not trusting God to take care of me and my children." Anna sighed, her breath shuddering a little. "I am still afraid, though I know I should not be."

  4. #4
    The priest sat for a few moments in thoughtfull prayer before he answered. "Many times, my daughter, we allow ourselves to be overwhelmed by fear. In those moments it is hard to judge rightly in our actions. I assume that when you took Our Lord's name in vain it was in a moment of fear? In these moments we must turn ourselves over completely to His Sacred Heart and there let Him subdue all fear. Remember St. Paul tells us that we have not been given the spirit of fear. But that of power and of rightousness, through which we call our Abba!. . . " He paused again and took a deep breath as he looked at the crucifix that hung in front of him. "In dealing with lying we must remember that it is only in truth that we have true power. Our Lord himself tells us that He is the Way, the Truth (stressing this word), and the life. St. John affirms us in saying that the Truth will set us free. . . Is there anything else?" Fr. Lucian's voice trailed off as he waited.

  5. #5
    "It is hard to feel powerful in God when there are so many around me intent on taking that power from me." Anna spoke softly, her hands clasped in front of her face as she knelt. "And I have confessed the sin that led to my pregnancy before... I am not married... but I still feel guilt.

    "But the baby is a gift from God, no matter the circumstances, yes?" She sighed. "I am happy about the baby coming, and then I feel as though I shouldn't be."

  6. #6
    The Priest smiled, though he knew that the woman could not see him, "My child the power I am speaking of is no physical power of our own. It isn't something that can be taken away. Only given, though not it may feel as if it is taken. This power is our faith, our hope, and our joy. You say that you are with child. That is something to truely be joyful about, even though the circumstances aren't the best. IF you have confessed this sin, then let your guilt go for God doesn't even remember what you confessed, if it was done in the spirit of true contrition. By holding on to guilt we are, in a sense, telling God that we do not trust him. We call God a liar. But in him there is no shadow of falsity. You say that you are scared, tell me what are you so afraid of that you would put your soul into mortal danger, then refuse to be consoled?" The priest waited and prayed. Durring the pause his stomach gave off a long low gargle, the priest had been in such a rush to get to the confessional that he passed up breakfast and lunch, it seemed was now bearing down upon him. But he said nothing hoping that the woman didn't hear it.

  7. #7
    She nodded as he spoke, trying to internalize the words and advice. "I am afraid of the children I protect being in danger. You are new to this parish... but I'm sure you know this is not a good part of town. I run Redencion House, which is a halfway house for mutant teens here in Los Santos.

    "And the gang activity is so much worse than it has been in the past. Being a mutant makes you a target, so I... and the kids... are in very real danger." Anna sighed again, and squared her shoulders. "But of course you are right. ...For these and all my sins I am truly sorry."

  8. #8
    "mhm. . " Father said as he heard her say that she was in charge of The House of Mutans. "You are in a very dangerous place that is for certain. But do not think that you have been abadoned by God. . ." He paused for a moment and thought. "For your holy penance I want you to say the chaplet of Divine Mercy, and meditate on the emincity of God's great love for you and your children. Now say your act of contrition." The woman lowered her head and started her act of contrition. As she prayed Father extended his hand towards her and in latin gave her absolution. After the woman finshed before she stood up to leave father said as almost an after thought, "I would like to speak with you, and perhapes come over to see your house, maybe I could meet some of the children you protect. Just wait a few moments and I'll be done."

  9. #9
    "Certainly, Father." Anna let herself out of the confessional booth, walking up a few rows of pews and finding a seat. After about ten minutes a young priest made his way toward her.

    She stood up, smoothing her clothes and holding her hand out in introduction. "Anna Fernandez, Father..?"

  10. #10
    The priest smiled as he extended his hand in greeting. "Father Lucian. It is a pleasure Anna." Lucian smiled at Anna as he gave her a firm grip. He may look young but his eyes would have held ages upon ages of knowledge. He had leared to close his mind so that mutants with telepothy could not read him. It would to be as it they were stearing at a blank page. Seeing as he did not know if Anna had these powers he still held his guard. "Give me just a few minutes to divest and I'll be right back." He took off his purple stole as he talked and tugged at his alb as he mentioned divesting.

  11. #11
    "Ciertamente," Anna said, standing with her hip against the end of the pew while she waited. The church was old and had only a few stained glass windows, but the ones it had were beautiful. The sun was hitting one of them just right, playing colored light over the opposite wall.

  12. #12
    In just a few short moments the priest walked back from the sacrasty. He wore a long black cassock. Anna would not have notices him walk up to her for he made little noise. He stood behind her for a moment and let her enjoy the beautiful stainglass window. "I love stained glass." He said. He had a broad smile on his face as Anna nearly jumped out of her shoes. "Come let's take a walk outside." He gestured for the front door and followed Anna out his hands rested in the small of his back. He walked with an air of dignaty that was not common in people.

  13. #13
    Anna laughed a little nervously after Father Lucian sneaked up on her, but outside in the well kept parish garden she felt more relaxed. The garden was moderately sized, but planned for ultimate peace and serenity with meandering paths amongst the foliage and granite benches for contemplation and prayer.

    It was hot, southern California in June was always hot, though not the blazing sun of late August, but there was a breeze that made the temperature tolerable. "You mentioned coming to my house? I would love to have you over for dinner, welcome you to the community." Anna smiled.

  14. #14
    Lucian smiled as he walked beside Anna. "I would enjoy that greatly. I have done a lot of work with mutant's with in the Church." His eyes seemed to look deep into the past as he said this. "The fight against our kind has been raging longer than many care to think about." He cast a side ways glance as he said this to seel Anna's reaction, though his gentle smile never left his face.

  15. #15
    She looked sideways up at the priest, and raised an eyebrow. "Our kind, Father?" Anna stopped walking and trailed a hand through a large fern. "I never asked Father O'Brien what the Church's position was on ordaining mutants.

    "Or," she hesitated, "Does the Church know?"

  16. #16
    Fr. Lucian raised an eyebrow as he looked at a beautiful violet rose. "Yes indeed, 'Our kind'. The Church knows. They have always known. They ordain mutant but only those whose mutation would not distract the parish. As such most of the mutant priest, sisters, or monks look like normal humans. We give a full account of our mutation to the Holy See and are assigned where we are needed the most. We also enjoy full citizenship of the Vatican City, so we have diplomatic immunity." He leaned in an smelled the freshly blossomed rose. "The Church from the begining is concerned with the respect of human dignity no matter ones race, creed, language, gender, or mutation." Fr. Lucian turned and looked at Anna, his yellow/brown eyes deep as an ocean searching her face and reading her reaction.

  17. #17
    She sighed, "I wish others believed the same, Father. There are other denominations who preach that to be mutant is to not be human - and that mutants have no souls.

    "Even some Catholic priests have said nearly the same thing, though not as boldly." Anna plucked a dandelion from near the ground, twirling the bright yellow flower between her fingers. "But let us talk about happier things. I would have you over for dinner, and welcome you to Los Santos." She smiled at the priest, her arms folded over her stomach where she was just starting to show signs of her pregnancy.

  18. #18
    "Thank you. I would like that greatly." Fr. Lucian's smile broadend as he saw the signs of pregnancy. "Let me give you a blessing before you go." The Priest extended his hands over Anna's head and prayed. "Father. I ask you to send down your mighty blessing up Anna and her child. Free them from the threat of persicution that haunts their lives. Pour out your abundant blessings upon her and her house and keep all who dwell there in safety. We ask this in the name of Jesus your son." Putting his left hand to his chest and giving the benediction with his right he said, "In the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen."

  19. #19
    She smiled, and thanked him for the blessing. "And dinner - tomorrow night? Around six, if that works for you, Father."

    It did, and they said their good-byes, walking back into the cool interior of the church. Anna proceeded out the front of the parish, putting on her sunglasses in the van and making her way home.

    The next day she had gotten the house prepared for the Father's visit, and had a big pot of Spanish rice on the stove and enchiladas in the oven. "He'll be here soon, can you set the table, Aimee?"

    "Sure thing," the purple girl said, scooping two handfuls of silverware out of the drawer. "Is everyone going to be here?"

    "Almost," Anna replied, giving the rice a stir. "Summer schedules are hard to keep track of," she laughed, pointing at the calendar that had so much scribbled on it it was nearly impossible to read.

  20. #20
    Fr. Lucian was not one who particularly enjoyed being late to anything for any reason so just to make sure that he would find the house he left the parish at 5:00pm. He drove the lest than 20 minute rout and found that he was sitting in front of the House at 5:26 he made a few wrong turns along the way and had to backtrack. He looked at the house. It was old, but very well kept, and very inviting. As he step out of the car he took a long look down the road, left then right. It was a quiet little neighborhood, or at lest that is the way it seemed on the surface. Just the small amount of time that he had been in Los Santos he had heard of the many gang activities. He walked slowly giving those on the inside a chance to prepair a bit more. Not a sound came from the steps as he ascended them and stood before the door. He nocked three times then waited as he heard orders shouted and feet hurring around the inside. He couldn't help but smile.

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