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Thread: Rawlston Quinn / Quinn Protection Agency

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    Rawlston Quinn

    Information Rawlston Quinn / Quinn Protection Agency

    Name: Rawlston Anders Quinn*
    Age: 36 Standard Years Old
    Gender: Male
    Race: Human
    Hair: Brown
    Eyes: Blue
    Homeworld: Coruscant
    Occupation: CO of Quinn Protection Agency

    Personality: Rawlston is very observant and has a knack for protecting people. His time spent as a body guard has led to him being able to read people very well. He wouldn't hesitate to step into the path of a laser blast for a client. While not on the job, he is pensive and thoughtful.

    Bio: Rawlston grew up the privileged only son of wealthy parents. They had him fairly late in life died when he was only 20 years old. Life has been a tale of two stories for our unseemly hero.

    Growing up, he was spoiled and knew that his parents would buy him out of trouble, which they did. His parents owned an exotic import/export business based in the Inner Rim and Core areas. Rawlston was lavished with expensive gifts and developed an attitude of superiority. As he grew into his teenage years, he carried that over.

    Then he got into trouble that his parents couldn't get him out of. It was either hard time in an Imperial Prison, or the Imperial Military Academy on Carida. Thinking that the Academy would be easier, they chose that path.

    During his stay at the Academy, his attitude was beaten out of him, changing him forever. He began to be grateful for what his parents had done for him. He wanted to tell them at his next break.

    That never happened. When he graduated, he went home and found that they had both been killed in a landspeeder accident. Their entire estate was left to him. He decided to sell off his parents business as he was never interested in it, but he kept a freighter, an Action-Keynne XII, and a fast courier ship, a VCX-700 heavy courier and the last shipment of Corusca Gems. A YV-929 and a YT-2000 transport were added to the collection later.

    Leaving the Imperial Military was no easy task, but on one of his missions (Rawlston was Stormtrooper SD-287), he was able to fake his death on Ord Mantell. Choosing the new name Rawlston Quinn, he spent the next 10 years traveling the galaxy, learning how to fight, making contacts and working as a body guard for political figures. Eventually, he made a name for himself and opened his own business, Quinn Protection Agency. He returned to Coruscant and began plying his trade to the wealthiest CEOs and celebrities. He amassed such a fortune that he now has a fleet of highly modified courier ships and a team of up to 20 body guards that he had personally trained and trust implicitly.

    *Rawlston is not his real name. After faking his death, he assumed this name for his professional business. One of his first clients was a slicer who's fee was to sure there was not connection between his past identity and his current one.

    (OOC - Ships, Modifications, and typical Body Guard Team coming soon)
    Last edited by Rawlston Quinn; Jul 31st, 2010 at 08:03:13 PM.


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