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Thread: The Secret Life of Super Heroes - American Girls' Personal Blog (Closed)

  1. #1
    Banner Laverick

    X-Men The Secret Life of Super Heroes - American Girls' Personal Blog (Closed)

    Wednesday, February 27th 2008


    Being a super hero while juggling a part-time job (yes, I got hired. Say hello to the newest fry cook at Maccy Ds! :P ) and keeping up the whole High School - gee - thanks - for - the - billion - tons - of - homework - Mrs Stewart thing is harder than all the comics and cartoons make it look. Can't criminals take a weekend off?!

    Chilling out at home, going on a patrol in a bit. Parker is supposed to be coming over for a movie fright-fest (Yay, bad 80s horror RULES!) so I'll have to stop at a store on my way back. I wonder if anyone would recognize me? Lmao! I've sort of been in the papers - thank god no-ones gotten a picture of me yet!! Not that anyone would believe quiet, shy me is really a mutant hero...

    It is weird though. It's only been a few months since my powers "popped" up. Of course, Parker (as in Peter Parker - I swear, they are one and the same! Even if Peter isn't a real person...>_>; No real names on this blog! Have to keep my id a secret!) was the first and only person I told. He's been my closest friend for like EVER plus one, I trust him with my whole heart cos I'm a dork like that. ^__^; He was going to call me "Super Girl", except I'm not from another planet...that I know of. I can't breathe ice, or shoot lasers from my eyes, or see through walls. Even though that would kinda rock. Flight and Super Strength are good, too. Plus I can take a hit that would kill a normal person and only be bruised a lil. Lol, I totally found THAT out the hard way!

    The whole "super hero" idea was thought up during a night of comic book debating - who would win in a fight, The Thing or The Hulk? Is Spider-man reaaaaaaaaally that short, and how did a nerd like that get a hottie like MJ? Who is the best x-man and x-woman, out of all the x-teams? You know, all the great unanswerable questions of our time. How we got onto the topic of MOI as a costumed crime fighter is beyond me, but soon the sketchbooks were busted out. Lots of scribbling, a little bit of swearing, and four or five torn and crumpled pages later, we had a costume drawn up. I took it to my Grandma to be sewn, under the guise of needing it for a costume party. Tank top, cape and mask. And HOT PANTS. To quote Parker: "Shorter shorts allow for more maneuverability. ^_____________^;" YEAH RIGHT! :P

    Because of the colors we ended up using (red, Parks' fave color, and blue, one of my fave colors), the papers have been calling me "All American Girl", or "America Girl". I'm still waiting to be called "Miss America", but then I'd probably have to battle Donald Trump and his lawyers!

    Anyway, it's time for me to fight some baddies and practice my witty action banter.

    Sleep sweet, citizens <3

    written by American Girl @ 11:35pm

    Last edited by Banner Laverick; Mar 30th, 2012 at 10:43:03 PM.

  2. #2
    Banner Laverick
    Friday, February 29th 2008

    Another friday night spent online...I am SUCH a dork.

    It's been snowing all day long, and now it's turned to rain. I should patrol, but it's cold as heck outside! Mental note - buy some wool tights or under armor for winter crime fighting.

    Movie night with Parker was awesome. Resting on his chest just felt...perfect. I got to forget all about everything else and just enjoy being with a sweetheart of a guy. ^___^; Not that we're anything more than friends, except we are. It's complicated!

    Today was pretty average - woke up late, had to run around trying to get ready for school, just made it into home-room as the bell rang. I TOTALLY flaked on my math test. I know I failed Numbers will never be my friends!!

    Speaking of potential friends, this little online community has grown overnight. It's nice to know I'm not the only one out there ^_~ As far as the whole Mutants Vs Mankind thing goes...we're all out there trying to do our best with what we have. Some of us just have a little more to work with - I haven't ever really thought about it. Is that a bad thing?

    Oooo, Futurama is on! Love this show! Catch y'all later!

    written by American Girl @ 12:14 am

  3. #3
    Banner Laverick
    Sunday, March 2nd 2008


    Guys make NO SENSE! I'm so irritated that I can't even think straight! Going to go take out my frustrations on some baddies

    written by American Girl @ 11:16 pm

  4. #4
    Banner Laverick

    **friends Only Post**

    Tuesday, March 4th 2008

    Okay, I think I have this figured out...

    Friends only post! With pictures!

    Oh yase, I rawk so hard!

    See? Proof!

    The gang - Lee, Parker, Moi and JR.

    written by American Girl @ 9:41 pm
    Last edited by Banner Laverick; Mar 30th, 2012 at 10:44:46 PM.

  5. #5
    Banner Laverick
    Wednesday, March 5th 2008

    OMG! OMG! OMG!

    Lee got them! She got tickets to Riff Throttle! Eeeeeee! Okay, so I'm not the *biggest* RT fan ever - Lee has totally got that covered! - but omg, ROAD-TRIP! It's SO exciting! ^________________^ I gotta pack, pick out a cute outfit for the show, omg!

    (omg, I'm such a D-O-R-K!)

    written by American Girl @ 1:20 pm

  6. #6
    Banner Laverick
    Thursday, March 27th 2008
    I've had lots to say since my last entry, but no motivation to actually type it all out.

    First, I'm sure you've all heard about the concert. Thank-you to everyone who's donated and sent well wishes to the injured concert goers. Please keep them, and my friend Lee, in your prayers. She's still in the hospital, but hopefully will be coming home soon.

    I would also like to thank Melvin Lodeus for sending Lee well-wishes personally. I know it will make her uber excited to know her favorite rock star is rooting for her speedy recovery.

    Oh, and I have to mention "Mutie University." XD Yes, yours truly was invited to enroll into some kind of special ed school for mutants. Which would be awesome, except I like my life as it is. Giving up my social life, my friends, my family, everything (Except my McJob; had to quit ) to go to some mysterious school out in the boonies just doesn't appeal to me...

    BUT, it did inspire me to update the old costume. Make it less easy to recognize me out of it. Pics to come!

    written by American Girl @ 11:53pm

    OH, OH, OH. Need to add this!

    I met the MOST sweetest, MOST adorable guy at the mall! We spent the entire afternoon together He's smart, funny, really cute. And a mutant! We met in the comic book section of the mega-book store - how's that for weird? Two mutants, meeting while discussing super heroes!

    We had BK for lunch (and if he's reading this, next lunch is on you! Lol!) then flew over the city. We ended up in this really beautiful little park, just chilling, having a moment. Untill these LAMERS showed up >=[

    Lucky for me, he was a REAL hero, standing up to those jerks and kicking their butts! Okay, I helped, but only a teeny bit. It was so cool, he used his powers to stick the head-lamer to the metal jungle gym! lol!!! And wow...we flew to his school (so he could find his way home, it was uber late; luckily, I did not get grounded for being out late...>_>). We said goodbye...and I KISSED HIM! It was like a scene from our own private rom-com. So perfect <3

    It was just amazing, being with someone who I can just be myself with, no having to hide my powers. It was so...just, wow. I can't wait to see him again ^___^;;;

    written by American Girl @ 11:59pm

    Last edited by Banner Laverick; Mar 31st, 2008 at 10:58:51 PM.

  7. #7
    Banner Laverick

    Mobile Post.

    Saturday, April 12th 2008

    Of course, just when everything is going awesomely well, my mum finds my costume. Then she snoops on my computer, freaks the hell out about me being American Girl. She calls me on my cell while I'm out with my boyfriend, reams me a new one, and tells me I have ONE week till I'm being shipped to Cullens'. CULLENS! I'm uber p.o.'d.

    The worst part isn't actually going to Cullens. I'm sure they're nice and all, I just don't really wanna be a student there. It's the fact that I have to leave my sweet, wonderful boyfriend and all my friends here. I know, I know, we'll talk on the phone, online, we'll visit each other - but it won't be the same! I feel like a little bird, and in a week, my wings will be clipped!

    I'm writing this from our hotel room, via my cell-phone. Boyfriend is sleeping beside me, his face all scrunched up. Too cute. He makes me feel like the luckiest girl in the world (and no, neither of us has "gotten lucky", in spite of us staying in a hotel). We're going to try and spend as much time together as we can, so this will be my last blog entry for a while. :-/

    written by American Girl @ 1:45 am
    Last edited by Banner Laverick; Apr 13th, 2008 at 10:51:44 AM.

  8. #8
    Banner Laverick
    Wednesday, March 28st, 2012

    Oh wow....this is so totes embarrassing....

    I have a lot to write, to anyone out there who might still read this. Not now though, I have to be up early to go visit someone special tomorrow. Blog needs a major update and this account needs a name change.

    And I just realized, it's been almost four years since I met my S.O. Huh.

    written by American Girl @ 12:54 am

  9. #9
    Banner Laverick
    Wednesday, April 11th, 2012

    That was interesting.

    I don't know what I expected. He wasn't the same, but part of me knew that things would be different. Just not THAT different. He was so...angry. He doesn't even go by his normal name anymore...He doesn't feel like the boy I fell in love with. It scares me, but I can't abandon him. There are still feelings there, I just don't know if everything will work out how I want them to. I won't know until we have time alone to talk.

    Maybe when he comes home, things will be different. We can just be ourselves, without anything from the outside world to worry or care about.

    I'm not at Cullens anymore. I found a really nice apartment in Korea Town, a job in a bakery and have a nice quiet ordinary life right now. I go to work, I shop, I cook and clean my - OUR - tiny home. I swim in the rooftop pool and feel like everything will be okay.

    It might not be, but you never know, right?

    written by American Girl @ 11:02 pm


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