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Thread: There's a new kid in Town (Dasq, Grace,Jens)

  1. #1
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    There's a new kid in Town (Dasq, Grace,Jens)

    Estelle had returned to the training facility, location undisclosed, sooner than she had ever expected she would.

    And she had not returned alone.

    In her company, but currently otherwise engaged in the front office giving his particulars, was Jens Vec. Height, weight, distinguishing marks, blood type etc was all being recorded by the Bothan secretary who explained to Jens that the next step was a full physical - emphasis on full - as part of admissions protocol. The concern that particular little snippet of information brought to the new recruits never failed to arouse a smug smile to the Bothan. He loved to freak out the rookies.

    For her part, Estelle was making her way to the ward room, and her superiors, in order to give a debriefing of the latest rebel to join their cause.

    Dossier in hand, Intel Operative Russard knocked briskly on the ward room door.

  2. #2
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    The door swooshed opened to the conference room where Grace was in the middle of briefing several operatives on their mission. The Assistant Director nodded to Estelle and wrapped things up. She was almost done anyway.

    "So remember, the Imps aren't expecting us. Just hit their supply shipments and wait for their transmission. If we're right, that should lead us to an Imperial staging area on Roche. Rogue Squadron will be there to assist." With a curt nod, she depowered the holoprojector. "Dismissed."

  3. #3
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Dasquian had taken a back seat in the briefing, occupying himself by reading through some scout reports that had been delivered only a few hours earlier. When the door to the conference room opened, however, he set the file down, glancing up with an expectant smile.

    “Agent Russard...”

  4. #4
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    Estelle stood aside to allow her fellow operatives to file out, and then moved further into the room.

    "Director. AD Van-Derveld"

    She smiled warmly to each in turn, while keeping a professional manner.

    She lifted the dossier and then placed it on the table.

    "I bring report on my mission to Naboo"

  5. #5
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    "And how did things go?" Grace slid the file towards Dasquian. She was more concerned with Estelle. Although she could be with the Agent continuously, Grace kept a watchful eye on her friend. Estelle had come a long way since the innocent college student from Corsucant. With each new mission she was becoming a more stronger, capable woman. "No trouble I assume?"

  6. #6
    Jens Vec
    The journey to the Rebellion is fraught with danger and excitement! Um...actually, it was kinda boring. Though I found out that Danielle is actually Estelle. It set me thinking on my own pseudonyms and whatever. It'd be cool to be in the espionage and stuff that goes on.

    Right, but for the moment, I'm handing out info.

    "Jens Vec, 19 years old, 180 lbs, I'm five-seven..." I rub my palms into my eyes, trying to remember. "Uh, blood-type B. Distinguishing marks...I've got these scattered burn scars on the backs of my legs, and a birthmark across my back like a stripe. Runs right shoulder to left hip."

    That seems to round out the question-and-answer (for now). The Bothan makes mention of a full physical. I try to roll it off, but it makes me shudder all the same. I'm just standing around, I guess. Estelle went somewhere, so I guess I just gotta wait. Jeez, I feel awkward. I wonder how many recruits came equipped with an out-moded airboard?

  7. #7
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "None" she assured.

    Estelle felt very pleased with Jens coming on board. She felt he had great potential and knew youth and enthusiasm were an invaluable assesst to any cause. Vec had both.

    "Our information was sound and the Drop Spot was just as we had anticipated - a door of opportunity."

    "I made contact with Jens Vec, a youth who was running the show there, and he was eager to join the rebellion in a greater capacity. He passed all clearance checks, as did his associates.

    He is being data'd now"

    Data'd being the slang given the lagborious process of getting all a new recruits particulars into the RA system.

  8. #8
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    “Excellent. Good work, Estelle.”

    Dasquian smiled, then depressed a comm. button on the tabletop.

    “Send Mr. Vec along to us as soon as he's ready.”

  9. #9
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "Yes sir" The comm box squawked back the reply.

    "Thankyou Sir" Estelle warmed at Dasquian's approval. "Might I request to continue a close association with Jens in his first few months? He is a long way from home and I remember well how encouraging it was to have someone looking out for me at that crucial time."

    She slid a soft thankful smile towards Grace.

  10. #10
    Jens Vec
    "Vec, they're waiting on you," grunted the Bothan.

    My first thought: Who is "they"? My second though: Do they run the place? My third thought: "Don't act like a giddy schoolboy."

    I walk the same path Estelle took and hesitate at the door, knocking so as not to barge in on something I shouldn't barge in on (because that's how you get in trouble around here), and wait. Just gotta take deep breaths.

  11. #11
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    Grace returned the smile, though much bigger then Estelle's. "I think that would be wise and I believe he would appreciate it."

    Then the door knocked. "That must be him now."

    And with a little more volume in her voice, "Come in."

  12. #12
    Jens Vec
    I shuffle in, shutting the door behind me. I give Estelle a quick look before letting the eyes drift over the other two. A dude and a chick. I wonder who's the boss. I shift my bags on my shoulders and lean my airboard against my body. I'd stand at attention or salute or something, if I only knew what to do.

    "Well, it's nice to meet everybody. I'm Jens Vec, what can I do for you guys?"

  13. #13
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    "Jens, please meet Director Dasquian Belargic, and Assistant Director Grace Van-Derveld" Estelle gestured for Vecs to sit opposite. "I have been filing them in on the Drop Spot and your activities up to our meeting."

    Once Jens was seated, Estelle continued, "Perhaps you could tell us (by us she meant Grace and Dasquian) how you think you will best be able to serve the Rebel cause - tell us where you see yourself operating, your ideal work environment"

  14. #14
    Jens Vec
    I press my palms into my eyes. Oh, hard thinking, how you chase me around.

    "Well...really the only skill I've got is riding this pla--airboard," I say, trying to gather some thoughts. Got to use the official names. It's not good to use jargon on anyone who might not be familiar with it. "It's an older model, but it works well. Matches or outruns most speeders used by local authorities. I can drive speeders of varying sizes and speeds, too, so I guess something to use that. Transport of supplies or scouting of urban areas would be the best thing, since I can blend in well with the locals as a street punk or college kid working a part-time job. Or something."

  15. #15
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    Using him as a scout was very much where Estelle saw Jens fitting in. With perhaps the odd courier run. For the beginning at least.

    This conversation was more just to familiarize Grace and Dasqian with Jens character. To see how he handled uncomfortable situations -- like scruitiny of his superiors. What buttons could be pressed, and how easily -- what that said about him.

    Estelle waited, knowing this was not a scenario anyone in the room particularly enjoyed.

  16. #16
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Dasquian smiled slightly. “We get a lot of volunteers like yourself, Jens. Young people, with a fair blend of skills suited to the urban environment. Not that there's a problem with that... we can always use more undercover contacts. It's a real shame though, because just last week we lost four kids, maybe no more than a year older than you, in a raid. The Empire cottoned on to what they were doing and shot them on site.”

    Pausing, Dasquian sighed and shook his head. “The sad thing is, they got off lucky. Usually they'll take you in for 'questioning' and if – if – you come out alive...” he exhaled a puff of breath, “You're never the same again, you know? They break your spirit. It's not easy. I hope you understand that. Not only do you put yourself at risk, but any family and friends you may have, you put them in the line of fire too.”

  17. #17
    Jens Vec
    "Yeah, I understand it. It's an intimidating thing to have to deal with, but I'll be alright. It's worth the risk to do stuff like what you do here."

  18. #18
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

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    "And what do you think we do here, Mr. Vec?" It was a seemingly simple question but it was quite far from that. Grace wasn't entirely convinced that the kid knew what he was getting into.

  19. #19
    SW-Fans.Net Poster

    If I have to clean up Kazaar after a drunken night of binge drinking one more time there will be HELL to pay!
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    Jens was handling himself pretty well, Estelle thought.

    It was a difficult thing to come under the penetrating attention of both the Director and AD Van-Derveld at the same time. She gave Jens a ghost of a smile to encourage him to continue to speak freely. It was important every one understood just what place and perspective they all were coming from.

  20. #20
    Jens Vec
    I smile a little bit back at Estelle, and look back to Grace.

    "You guys steal Imperial equipment, spy on their government, scout their bases and factories, assassinate their leaders, sabotage their technology, and shoot down their starfighters." I shrug, and half-smile, feeling just how very new I am to all this. "I'm sure I'm over-simplifying, but there it is."

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