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Thread: Latest Additions: What's new in your collection, '06?

  1. #41
    Saga 013 - Darth Vader - Battle of Hoth (Dooku holo) UGH version
    Saga 022 Firespeeder Pilot - Battle of Coruscant (Luke holo)
    Saga 024 Commander Cody - Battle of Utapau (Stormtrooper holo)

  2. #42
    Darth Maul Double Bladed FX saber
    Clone Wars Vol 8: The Last Siege, the Final Truth

  3. #43

  4. #44
    Titanium Series Imperial Shuttle, the first SW thing I have bought since that X-Wing Transformer I bought and later gave to a kid in January.

  5. #45
    Were you that impressed with the Transformer that you had to share its awesomeness with others?

  6. #46
    Kind of... the wing guns wouldn't stay straight and it was rather top heavy in "robot" mode. True. But nah, that wasn't it. I was at a Super Bowl party, and the kid's brother had some Transformers but the kid didn't. The kid was about 8, I think.

    So I showed him the one I had and he was like "Star Wars!" He played with it for two hours and was fascinated by it, so being the nice guy I can be at times, I decided on the spot just to give it to him. Toys like that are really for kids anyway. Better in the Toy Story sense to let a kid play with it than just shove it in a drawer.

  7. #47
    Good call my friend.

    After I grew out of my vintage Star Wars toys and was fed up of having them around I was about 13 I guess, I gave them to my cousins who were about half my age at the time. Then when they grew out of them when they got to their teens, I was just getting back in to collecting, so they returned what they had left to me.

  8. #48
    Radio controlled R4-P17

    I got my son Anakin's Jedi Starfighter/Transformer for Easter. He loves it and he wants a Grievous Transformer. I've got him picking up sticks all week to earn the money for it.

  9. #49
    And I'm definitely ordering this thing... nicest SW item I've seen in a while.

  10. #50
    I loved virtually the entire animated line that Gentle Giant showed off awhile back. But I'm afraid that if I pick one up I won't be able to stop. That Leia and R2 is friggin' awesome. drooooooooooollllll

    Radio Controlled R2-Q5

  11. #51
    I pre-ordered it. The key to Gentle Giant is knowing when to say when... I tend to be selective on the pieces I get, but at least my blue clonetrooper is going on e-bay for $600 now, so it's the most expensive piece of Star Wars junk I own.

  12. #52
    TRU Exclusives
    Battle Pack: Skirmish in the Senate
    General Grievous - Demise of Grievous

    Saga 026 Clone Trooper - Battle of Utapau ( Emperor Holo)
    Saga 009 UGH At-At Driver - Battle of Hoth (Dooku Holo)
    Saga 024 UGH Commander Cody - Battle of Utapau (Dooku Holo)

  13. #53
    Got my case of vintage style figs yesterday. They're AWESOME!

    Biker Scout x2
    Greedo x2
    Han Solo (Trenchcoat) x2
    Luke Skywalker (Pilot) x2
    Sand People x2

  14. #54
    I've allowed myself to get 3 of the new Saga figures recently...the clone trooper, Commander Cody, and the ROTJ Han Solo. But I'm being extraordinarily selective on these figures, I'm not buying them all. The only other one I'm interested in getting out of the current waves, if I can find it, is Scorch. Otherwise, forget it.

    I dunno if these figures are all that popular anyways, at least at my Target and Wal-Mart. They're falling off the pegs, there's so many of them.

    My UPS guy also delivered this for my collection this week ...

  15. #55
    Well, I was in Target this morning and went ahead and bought their exclusive Demise of Grievous figure, as well as the Skirmish in the Senate battle pack. I haven't bought a single battle pack up until now, but there was just something about this particular one that made me kind of giggle when I saw it, so I thought, what the heck, why not add it to the collection?

    I also had the experience this morning of pretty much being muscled aside by some bozo at Target who was desperate to look at the few saga figures hanging on the peg. Jerk .

  16. #56
    Well, while I was gone for a little bit, the FedEx guy dropped off my Lucas family action figure collection from the fan club. It actually turned out pretty nice.

  17. #57
    Got another vintage Biker Scout. I'm probably going to get another Sandtrooper and then I'll have a decision to make. I got my son an X-Wing Luke, with another Sandtrooper I'll just need 2 more vintage stlye figs to get another Lucas Stormtrooper. But another $20 to get Greedo and Han? Ugh.

  18. #58
    Clone Wars Vol. 5

    Lucas Family Set x2

  19. #59
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Gamertag: Lilaena Steam ID: jainhollie
    We have a new connection for SW toys - my husband made friends with a merchandiser for Hasbro.

  20. #60
    Wow, that's pretty sweet LD. You might be able to pick up some sweet display items or inside info. Which I'm sure you'll pass on to to us.

    Titanium Figures

    Don't kbnow if anyone is interested in these, but there are more on the way. The booklet included says the following metal figures are coming:
    Clone Trooper
    General Grievous
    Darth Maul
    Luke Skywalker

    I'm surprised there's no Han and I'm curious which version of Luke we'll be seeing.

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