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Thread: Collection worth?

  1. #1

    Collection worth?

    The new movie coming out has rejunenated my interest in Star Wars again, and I was just wondering what is the worth of my collection of Star Wars toys. I essentially have every toy that came out when The Phantom Menace came out. For ease lets say everything is opened but un-used (note: not everything is opened, it just seems to be easier to say that everthing is). Thanks.


  2. #2
    You're going to get conflicting estimates. I'd say it's probably worth 50%-75% of what you originally paid at retail. You can go on ebay and get loose TPM figs for under $3. Of course some items were rarer than others, but the bulk of the line is pretty cheap loose.

    One good way to check is to do a search on ebay for a completed auction of a certain piece in your collection and see what it went for. You can do it for a loose and a boxed piece and get an estimate of what you're collection would go for on the open market. For insurance purposes I'd use retail value as a starting point. You can never go wrong with that. Hope this helps.

  3. #3
    My answer would have been much simpler:

    Your TPM collection isn't worth nearly as much as what you paid for it, so hopefully it represents something to you more than just it's monetary worth.

  4. #4

    Unless you're getting it insured, ignore my long winded rant and pay attention to JMK.

  5. #5
    I'm not looking for a profit. I guess I just want to gain some space back in my house, and if the highest bidder can help me accomplish this then I won't be upset.


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