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Thread: Lucas on 60 Minutes

  1. #1

    Lucas on 60 Minutes

    In case you missed tonight's 60 Minutes, rest assured that if you closely follow Lucas and his various dealings, you didn't miss anything.

    As far as RotS goes and seeing stuff not previously seen yet, well there were a few new leaked shots which I'm sure you will see stills of soon enough.

  2. #2
    Darth McBain
    Yeah - nothing we haven't really discussed here before - but it was still really neat. I thought it was pretty cool how they had Obi-Wan and Anakin whipping around their sabers, locking them, and then force-pushing at each other.. And the animatic of Grievous they showed looked really cool. True he was only walking around, but it was still neat.

  3. #3
    Darth McBain
    Oh, and I don't know if the clips they showed are the final edit, but it appears that once again our ol' pal Wilhelm is in ROTS . Not much of a surprise, but it gave me a grin when I heard it.

  4. #4
    I thought that part where they were twirling their sabers was time well wasted! If one of them would have noticed how much the other was being silly they could have ended the fight right then and there!

    The new shot that I found the best was the one where we see what the buzz droids look like. one landed right next to Artoo on Obi Wan's ship and if you listened closely you could almost hear Obi Wan say "RD, get that buzz droid off the ship!" Or something like that.

    I think Wilhelm is in every movie, not just Star Wars, but EVERY movie!

  5. #5
    Darth McBain
    Originally posted by JMK
    I think Wilhelm is in every movie, not just Star Wars, but EVERY movie!
    I think you're right... With them whipping their sabers around, I tend to agree with you that it might be somewhat wasted. I was wondering if they maybe showed us only a partially finished shot and maybe there is other activity going on that would necessitate them twirling - maybe droids firing on them so they have to deflect shots while fighting each other?

  6. #6
    It's them showing a little too much flair IMO. It looked very much like a finished shot. It's hardly a big deal though.

  7. #7
    I actually liked it. It looked like they were both gearing up to deal one hellish blow. Kind of reminded me of Anakin and Dooku twirling their sabers in AOTC.


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