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Thread: ATTN: All New Republic Personnel

  1. #1
    Lion El' Jonson

    ATTN: All New Republic Personnel

    For many months now, we've been planning Bestine and several other campaigns to coincide with the re-emergence of Fleet RPing.

    You may also have noticed that some of the New Republic Moderators have been dropping hints as to something big happening. We've been discussing this for a long time, and I think it's way past time that you've learned what it is we have planned.

    So, copied and pasted from the Moderator forum (where I'm set up as pretend moderator Lion...hey it's better than nothing... )

    Originally posted by s'Ilancy

    A few of you I’ve talked to about this, but most of you I haven’t. Out of the ones I have spoken with (I know Holly talked to Morg), the majority has been agreement and what seems to be growing excitement, so I’m now putting this proposal forward for the group mods to discuss. Please note that it’s going to take a little bit of time to accomplish, and everyone is gonna have to work together, but we’re good at that

    Basically, this is my idea: We have the Empire return to power in the Fans galaxy.

    This I think will introduce a vastly different light on things, making everything much more ICly dangerous. The Jedi could be hunted once more, and smugglers could rise in a blossoming underworld created by a tyrannical galaxy-wide government. The NR would of course need to be convincingly and drastically downsized; relegating them to the Rebels of old, and once more begin their hit and run attacks.

    Now this of course, will not be able to happen overnight, and a little planning has to happen to make it adequately believable for the NR to be torn apart and put again into the position of being the smaller force.

    In the past, the NR and the Empire have worked together admirably to pull off very successful RP’s (The Battle of Bestine being a prime example), so I have a lot of faith that this particular aspect will go very smoothly, and Lion, Reshmar, and Redic will be more than happy to put forth ideas as well as listen to those that others have.

    Another thing that makes this easier to do is the fact that the guys who play the Imperials are a lot different than the ones of old. These guys are more interested in writing a story and making it interesting rather than sit and count ships. Jarek T’chort in particular and Tiberius Anar are very good writers and very open to ideas as well as contributing their own. They are more than happy to work together in order to make things go smoothly.

    And as far as the smugglers, I think it’s a given that the fringe society would simply explode with activity – there would be blockades to run and drugs and Jedi to smuggle, not to mention bounty hunting would be brought back to life with the Empire issuing Death Marks and bounties on smugglers, pirates, Jedi, etcetera.

    And the Jedi – well, they would be hunted down once more. Mitch has graciously offered Nehantish as a planet to hide, so the Jedi have two places to go; Yavin IV and Nehantish (as far as I know, at least).

    I honestly think this will generate more boardwide participation, and it would simply be a fountain of thread fodder.

    I was told me that the only ones who could do this charismatically have either been banned or simply left, but I feel that it's time to let the newer folks prove themselves and rise to the challenge; make their own "legacies", if you will. For the older members, I personally think it would be just the spark we need to get back to our grass roots and start doing the stuff we love. Begin new quests, new adventures, etc etc.

    So that’s that. Let’s talk about this; bounce ideas off of one another and all that jazz
    Actually, I think there is only one or two of you that haven't seen this yet. Anybody with access to the GJO's OOC board has read it, and I told Tie while we were in Tahoe.

    To anybody I missed, sorry to keep you waiting. I assure you, all of your input will be considered. We've pretty much kept the majority of this plot completely fluid, and though some elements of the above post have been altered (through discussion), most of it will depend on what we want to do next.

    Got questions?

  2. #2
    Senator Thareena
    *raises hand*

    yeah, why hasn't anyone asked any questions? Is it TRUE that they've all LEFT???

  3. #3
    Kieran Devaneaux
    Lion, one question pertaining to a safe haven - and perhaps others will want to hear this as well.

    Kieran has received information of his lost homeworld of Reydovan Prime, and it is said that the planet has a small, but volatile, defense fleet that awaits use. It's a race between Kieran and his father Artimus; if Kieran gets the fleet, the Navy will be boosted; if Artimus gets it, he will use it for his Jedi hunting. With Je'gan training him and plus his own natural aptitude for genocide and destruction, he would be fairly difficult to stop if he gained the Reydovan Defense Fleet. Thing is, Artimus has only one ship, despite his Imperial support; Kieran has a small task force, and can call for help (Lion, Redic, or Tie, among others) if so necessary. And the Republic's XO also has the information that Kieran - and possibly, the NR (or the Rebellion, Round Two, heh) - will need.

    Would we be able to use this at all, or will it just be Yavin and Nehantish?

    -Josh aka the Devaneaux family

  4. #4
    Lion El' Jonson
    Obviously, Kieran, we'll be looking for every advantage in the coming conflict, and I'm certain we'll find a way to work this into our RP. Much like the race to find the Katana fleet during the Thrawn Conflict, I suspect New Republic High Command would be very interested in this. The New Republic will essentially be residing within Wild Space and the Unknown Region; I think that Artimus' knowledge, however, will prevent us from using the planet itself as a staging point.

    Excellent suggestion, though. I think Yavin and Nehantish will be the primarily RPed locales, but we're going to be NPCing a lot of hidden bases (a la Hoth) on uninhabited planets.

  5. #5
    TheHolo.Net Admin
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    Yavin is only going to be utilized briefly by the Jedi, because um... doesn't anyone remember ANH where the Imperials nearly blew up the planet? If they're looking for old rebel bases, they'll look there first for fugitives.

  6. #6
    Lion El' Jonson
    Originally posted by Lilaena De'Ville
    Yavin is only going to be utilized briefly by the Jedi, because um... doesn't anyone remember ANH where the Imperials nearly blew up the planet? If they're looking for old rebel bases, they'll look there first for fugitives.
    Yes, I forgot to mention the temporary aspect of our stay there. Still, considering how slow the GJO (OOC) tends to move, I've got this feeling that we'll be on Yavin for a bit longer than we planned.


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