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Thread: Barflies and Smuggler Runs [Open!]

  1. #1

    Barflies and Smuggler Runs [Open!]

    Several empty glasses littered the grimy table where Karwyn was letting her hand rest. She had been in this seedy pub in all evening, and was beginning to abandon all hope for employment anytime soon.

    "You would imagine," she thought, running her other hand through her chin-length feathered brown hair, "That finding piloting work on Coruscant would be a lot easier than this." Her green eyes shone back at her as she looked at her reflection in one of the empty glasses, her hand resting on top of her head.

    Her beloved ship was recently destroyed, she was lucky to have escaped with her life. Most of her possessions had been lost, as well as the valuable cargo...It was a miracle that her employers henchmen had not yet sought her out to collect the debts, especially seeing as they dislike her careless manner, and how she doesn't act as a woman is 'supposed' to... But eh, that was all the more reason to find work piloting or co-piloting as soon as possible. She figured it would be best to lay low with other smugglers for a while before attempting to find any legit employers...

  2. #2
    Je'gan Olra'en
    "Look," the young man barked to the far larger and heavily fanged figure beside him, "I don't care what deadlines you have. Hm? I need this."

    They'd come inside only seconds before, embroiled in an argument that had obviously been going on for a while. Now, the younger man - thin and wiry, with piercing black eyes - took a moment to glance around the establishment while his companion warmed to the rebuttal. When none came, Je'gan swivelled back around to face Alghieri.

    "Don't tell me you're giving in...because I know you're not. I absolutely need an untraceable ship and crew, the larger the better. And I need it tonight."


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