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Thread: The Phantom of the Opera

  1. #1
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    The Phantom of the Opera


    Release Dates:
    UK- 10 December 2004
    USA - 22 December 2004

    From the clips I've seen, it looks like it will be excellent. I'm so excited

    Just read some trivia about the movie on IMDB, and apparently both Antonio Banderas and John Travolta were considered for the part of the Phantom (with the former undergoing several years vocal training for the part). Keira Knightley auditioned for the part of Christine, which was almost given to Katie Holmes, but it was decided she was too old.

  2. #2
    Darth McBain
    Wow - that does look pretty good

  3. #3
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    A saw a trailer for it a month or two ago, and I nearly needed a change of pants. Ever since seeing the musical live in Toronto when I was 13 or so (8th grade), I've been hokoed.

    And singing songs from it for most, if not every chorus group I was in during highschool just added to my fascination towards it. Definately can't wait for this late b-day present from the film makers. ^_^

  4. #4
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Oh. Oh wow. I've got to see this. The costumes look awesome, and just the whole look of the film is beautiful.

  5. #5
    Loki Ahmrah
    It does look awesome. I remember seeing the teaser a while ago and after seeing it, I knew I would want to go and see it at the cinema but lately, having been lacking in the funds dept. I was of two minds for going. That trailer has just made the decision for me.

  6. #6
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    I'd like to see it, but it's not an immediate priority. I can wait until after Christmas.

  7. #7
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    I'm DYING to see this - although after I dragged my good-natured husband through the yawner that was Vanity Fair, I'm not sure he'll be willing to accompany me to this one.

    Like you, Snackeroo, I've been hokoed ever since I first heard the music. I finally saw it live here in Portland about two years ago. *thrill!*

  8. #8
    Dark Lord Rivin
    I really want to see this! I saw it Live in Vancover when I was 12. But I was hooked on Webber's plays long before that.

  9. #9
    Sarr Koon

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    Originally posted by Sarr Koon
    How could anyone pass on the Phantom of the Opera?

  11. #11
    TheHolo.Net Admin

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    Originally posted by Sarr Koon
    Your loss

    Fair enough, though. Musicals aren't everyone's cup of tea.

  12. #12
    I think I'm going to pass as well, but not because I think it looks bad, but because in 1993 I sacrificed a whole eternity in helping my brother's 4th grade class put on a play. It consumed my life and I'm still bitter about it because I had to miss a big portion of the 1993 NHL playoffs.

  13. #13
    Gurney Devries
    At least he's consistent.

  14. #14
    Ill pass.For some reason this things freak me out.

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    Trailer looked fun, I'm going to try and see it. I've been hooked on the music for ages, but couldn't afford to go see it when it came through SLC.

  16. #16
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    Wow! I've just got back from the cinema. It was incredible. It was marvellous. It was just a great joy to watch. I haven't seen many musicals but The Phantom of the Opera is the best I've ever seen on the big screen.

    The lighting in the movie is simply beautiful and the musical score is utterly brilliant. The main theme of the Phantom gave me real chills - it was very intimidating. My favourite song was definitely Music of the Night, and my favourite part of the film was The Masquerade.

    Everyone performed wonderfully, and I particularly enjoyed the performance given by the theatre managers (Simon Callow and Ciarán Hinds). Gerard Butler (The Phantom) and Emmy Rossum (Christine) were splendid together and their scenes were very evocative and full of emotion and passion. I loved this film, and would love to see it again, though I doubt a smaller screen would do it justice. And it's even made me want to see the live stageshow. Next time the show comes to Liverpool, I'm there!

  17. #17
    Somara Ave
    It needs to hurry up and come out here before I pop right out of my skin. Its always been one of my favorite stories and soundtracks. Adding Gerard Butler to the mix just makes it perfection .

    Although I am still not sure I am going to like it on screen better than I did on stage.

  18. #18
    TheHolo.Net Poster

    Sometimes I think about having you executed, just to see the expression on your face!

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    Okay now having seen it, I loved every minute and want to see it again NOW! LOL Gerard Butler was awesome as always. I'm smitten..


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