LV and her group of Sith existed the non-descript yatch onto the landing bay of the Duros space station. They had "borrowed" the yatch from a couple that had been vacationing in the sector. It was deemed a better plan to come in a ship that could not be traced back to the Sith Order, and thus it was decided to take one of Order's Corellian Strike Cruisers and commandere a vessel at the edge of Duros space, well outside of Duros' sensor net. The Strike Cruiser had at that point remained at the edge of Duros space while LV and the three other Sith that accompanied her had made their way to the space station.

All four of them, herself, Vega, Je'gan, and Dalethria, were in civilian clothing, with additions to change their physical appearances. They were too well known in this Galaxy and had to take precautions that they would not be recognized. Even so, they would also be masking their Force presence so as not to be sensed by their target.

They'd moved steadily from the landing bay into the space station, mingling with the other dozen species that were walking the hallways and milling in stores, keeping their eyes and senses open, searching for their target. They'd only been there a few minutes before LV's steady steps slowed to a stop. Her head slowly turned, much like a radar would, looking down a small hallway to her right that appeared to spill into an open area. She sensed anger and fear. And it was wafting through the Force at a strong rate.

She looked momentarily at Vega before walking down the hallway. At the end, it opened into a large shopping area. There were several balconies that extended above and below them. Scanning first the balconies above, her eyes moved downward until they stopped at the lower level.

Down on the main floor, in the center, was a large food court where countless of aliens converged for various delicacies. Except at this moment, they were getting a show with their meals. There was a young woman with an ignited blue lightsaber, a Jedi by the looks of it, opposite an older woman with her own ignited lightsaber, a woman LV knew all to well.

She took out a commlink, bringing it up as she looked at Vega.

"Make your way around to the other side. We'll have to corner De'Ville. See if you can find a way to get her to surrender. Anything. Beat her senseless if you have to." She narrowed her eyes. "And keep your eyes open for Jedi. Where there is one, a young one at that, there are more."

She looked about, noticing some security guards beginning to show up to try to disband the commotion below. She added one last thought. "Best to make it as quick as possible."

She then gave her attention to the comm, switching to a secure and encrypted channel. Her message was brief and intended for Darth Vader. "We have located the target. You may begin your course to the Duros main space station."

Switching the comm off, she pocketed it once more, and went the opposite direction Vega had gone, heading towards the lower level.