Earlier this evening I returned home from the cinema after watching "Saw", a film by fresh new writer and director James Wan. It is a horror film which I believe will breath vital new life into a tired genre full of cliché and tired themes. From what I've read, it being an independent film, has not been released in America yet but when it does I feel it will be riding on the waves of much praise across the board from both fans and critics. Watch out for this film and to quote the pun: "See Saw".

Having no prior knowledge of this film except a spot of praise from a friend of mine who'd already seen it, I stepped into a dark, dark world full of suspense, mystery, chills and gruesomeness. All of which is embodied in a story revolving about an intelligent, motivated serial killer who takes his victims apart in harrowing and brutally macabre ways which has every single member of the audience cringing. The gore, I will stress, while abundant and stomach churning is not in place of plot, suspense or originality.

The style of the picture is very distinct and merges the gritty, turbulant appearance of Jonathan Demme's "Silence of the Lambs" with other genre styles such as the empty, atmospheric feel of "The Hole" to the chaotic and grotesque "Seven". Notice I am not quoting horror films of the kind like "Halloween" or "Scream" because it is important to emphasise that "Saw" is not a run-of-the-mill stalker slasher flick but is instead a fresh and original film which will have you guessing and wincing all the way through until you are blown away by moments of increadible tension coupled with startling revelations which will leave you very pleased and satisfied indeed.

My only complaint about this film is the acting which is occassionally jarring but this minor grievance is insignificant when weighing up all the pros of Wan's independent chiller. I am hardly the type to write up any kind of review after watching a film these days but after being so thoroughly entertained by such a refreshing installment in a tired, old bracket of film I felt the need to share the good news and encourage all to go see this awesome horror flick as soon as possible.