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Dark Banana Survivors
I saved the world of Aventuria six times and all I got was this T-Shirt.
Category: Hobbies and MiscLast Activity: May 10th, 2019 02:58:48 PM
2 member(s)Latest Discussion:
I love it when a shit plan comes together! -
All The Ginger Ladies
Put your hands up!
(No Charleys allowed)Category: Hobbies and MiscLast Activity: May 10th, 2019 02:58:53 PM
21 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Uh-uh-oh... -
Gotham City
Denizens of Gotham City, from villains to crime fighters
Category: Gotham GroupsLast Activity: Jun 14th, 2019 08:52:32 PM
21 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
United Mutants
You write mutant characters or mundanes in the Mutant universe? Join for updates and conversations with your fellow aficionados.
Category: Mutants, Unite!Last Activity: May 10th, 2019 02:58:50 PM
26 member(s)Latest Discussion:
So, these LA Riots... -
The Godfreys
Father Hurucan had many sons, many sons had Father Hurucan. And also his brothers.
Category: Mutants, Unite!Last Activity: May 10th, 2019 02:58:51 PM
4 member(s)This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
Cloud City
The men and women (and droids) who live, work, and rule in Cloud City, Imperial Bespin, and the Greater Javin Sector.
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Oct 20th, 2019 12:38:35 PM
39 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Help -
The Sith Order
Hidden beneath the surface of the Tanaab Force Academy, the Sith Order grows stronger every day as it recruits new followers from the very students studying in their halls. Their corrupting influence will produce a new era of the Sith Order.
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: May 10th, 2019 02:58:58 PM
4 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Possible Sianna and Razadi shenanigans? -
The Guardians
Former slaves of the Lupine Houses, the Guardians capitalized on the growing madness within the Lupines to win their freedom. They continued to push until the Lupine species neared extinction. Eternal enemies, the Guardians continue to hunt the few Lupines that remain.
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Nov 27th, 2016 09:45:27 PM
3 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Grand Archive: Known Guardians -
Witches of Dathomir
No Description
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Jul 31st, 2019 07:54:39 PM
16 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Ey up lasses -
The Jedi Order
Gathered on Ossus, the Jedi finally begin to build on the foundations of a new Jedi Order
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Jan 28th, 2020 01:41:42 PM
46 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Dilly Dallying
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Forgotten Realms
Characters ported over from our D&D (and other TTRPG) games.
Category: General RoleplayingLast Activity: Dec 1st, 2024 09:05:20 PM
4 member(s)Latest Discussion:
This group doesn't have any discussions yet. -
The Galactic Empire
Rising like a phoenix rising from the ashes, Emperor Palpatine took the shattered remnants of the Republic and fashioned a new galactic order, one that would stand the test of time.
With a focus on military might and preemptive measures the Empire conquered the known galaxy. Rebellious ideals proved the people were not capable of governing themselves. The Senate was abolished and freedom restricted.
By tearing down the Jedi Order and purging it's members the Empire had few who could resist them. For those who remained they elected their own force empowered protectors; the Imperial Knights.
Now caught in a cold war stalemate with their sworn enemy, the Alliance of Free Planets, the Empire bides it's time and waits for an opportunity to take back what was stolen.Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Feb 19th, 2024 07:13:05 PM
72 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Role Call and Operation Analysis -
The Cizerack Pride
The Cizerack are a proud, matriarchal race that resides in the Carshoulis Cluster of planets. From Carshoulis Prime the Pride Mother rules with an iron fist.
See our Wiki page: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Mar 7th, 2021 08:34:28 PM
22 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Current Storylines of the Pride -
A hub for the scientific community, regardless of personal allegiance.
Category: Misc RP FactionsLast Activity: Jun 23rd, 2020 02:32:20 PM
3 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Scientist Roll Call -
Alliance of Free Planets
Born from the ashes of oppression and tyranny, the Rebel Alliance has persevered through the years to oppose the iron fist of the Empire. The men and women who fight for the Cause believe in the foundation upon which the Old Republic once stood. We fight for freedom. Through hardships unimaginable we have shouldered the great burden - to bring an end to the injustices brought about by Imperial rule.
We, the members of the Rebellion, have come into our own, and forged a government that espouses the virtues that they fought so hard to regain.
We are the Alliance of Free Planets.Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Feb 5th, 2020 08:56:16 AM
68 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Sound Off, Rebel Scum! -
Invasion Story Group
Plotting and discussing the Ssi-Ruuk / Invasion storyline.
Category: StorytellingLast Activity: Jan 28th, 2020 02:02:56 PM
15 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Invasion: Dogs of War (OOC) -
The Jedi Order
Gathered on Ossus, the Jedi finally begin to build on the foundations of a new Jedi Order
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Jan 28th, 2020 01:41:42 PM
46 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Dilly Dallying -
Lost in Time
Whether they were frozen in ice, carbonite, or placed in cryostasis, all the members of this group are men and women now living outside of their times. Their lifespans were put on halt while everything they knew faded away.
Now awake they must carve out a new life for themselves in a cruel and unfamiliar galaxy.Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Jan 12th, 2020 02:47:55 PM
11 member(s)Latest Discussion:
whats up old timers -
Cloud City
The men and women (and droids) who live, work, and rule in Cloud City, Imperial Bespin, and the Greater Javin Sector.
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Oct 20th, 2019 12:38:35 PM
39 member(s)Latest Discussion:
Help -
The Exchange
Stationed on Cloud City - An underworld enterprise specializing in smuggling and information.
Category: Star Wars Factions and GroupsLast Activity: Oct 20th, 2019 12:17:52 PM
12 member(s)Latest Discussion:
So where are they all now?